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The updated API client is currently under development at the v2 branch


PHP client to connect to the Teamleader API.


The package is available via composer:

$ composer require nascom/teamleader-api-client

Basic usage


First, you'll need to provide a client that can make HTTP requests. It has to implement the HttpClientInterface. A client using Guzzle is already available in the package. This requires installing guzzlehttp/guzzle.


use Nascom\TeamleaderApiClient\Http\HttpClient\GuzzleHttpClient;

$guzzle = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);
$httpClient = new GuzzleHttpClient($guzzle);

You can use this HttpClient to instantiate the actual API client. You'll have to provide your Teamleader API credentials as well.


use Nascom\TeamleaderApiClient\Http\ApiClient\ApiClient;

$teamleaderParameters = [
    'api_group' => '12345',
    'api_secret' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

$client = new ApiClient(
    $httpClient, // A client implementing HttpClientInterface.
    $teamleaderParameters // An array containing the Teamleader credentials.

Making requests

Every API endpoint has a corresponding Request class. These classes have to be passed to the client's handle() method, which will return a Response object. All available requests can be found here.

For example, here is how you could fetch the details of a project:


use Nascom\TeamleaderApiClient\Request\Project\RetrieveProjectRequest;

$projectRequest = new RetrieveProjectRequest(23);
$response = $client->handle($projectRequest);

echo $response->getData(); // Returns the Teamleader JSON response as a string.

Advanced features

Providing extra options

Extra options can be passed to the ApiClient. These will be merged with some default options, and passed to the HttpClient on making a request.


$client = new ApiClient(
    ['connect_timeout' => 5.0] // This will override the default timeout.

Creating a custom HttpClient

You can create a custom HttpClient to handle requests. All it has to do is implement the HttpClientInterface. You could, for example, implement a client using curl.


use Nascom\TeamleaderApiClient\Http\HttpClient\HttpClientInterface;

class CurlHttpClient implements HttpClientInterface
    public function request($method, $uri, array $options = [])
        $curl = curl_init();

        curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
            CURLOPT_URL => '' . $uri,
            CURLOPT_POST => 1,
            CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $options['form_params']

        $response = curl_exec($curl);

        return $response;

$client = new ApiClient(
    new CurlHttpCLient(),