This project demonstrates a simple Apache Airflow Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) that consists of three basic tasks: start_task, run_task, and end_task.
Ensure you have Python (preferably 3.7 or above) and pip installed.
Step 1: Install Apache Airflow To set up Airflow, we recommend creating a virtual environment for easier dependency management.
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv airflow_env
source airflow_env/bin/activate # For Windows, use `airflow_env\Scripts\activate`
- Install Apache Airflow:
pip install apache-airflow
- Initialize Airflow:
airflow db init or airflow db migrate
Step 2: Set Up the DAG Folder and File
- Create the DAG directory:
mkdir -p ~/airflow/dags
- Save the DAG file: Copy the provided DAG code and save it in ~/airflow/dags/
- Verify the DAG location: Ensure Airflow is configured to use ~/airflow/dags as the DAG directory by checking airflow.cfg (dags_folder = ~/airflow/dags).
Step 3: Start Airflow Web Server and Scheduler
- Start the web server:
airflow webserver --port 8082
- Start the scheduler:
airflow scheduler
- Access the Airflow UI: Navigate to http://localhost:8082 in your browser. You should see the DAG basic_dag_example in the list of available DAGs. Toggle the DAG to "On" to schedule it.