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Creating a common GUI image by using docker for developing.


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Dev Dock

A GUI Container using Xfce with noVNC.

Only support x86/64.


Also can check the GUI Management.

This repo is creating a common GUI image by using docker for developing.

The image included the following components:

  • Xfce Desktop
  • VNC Server (default VNC port: 5901)
  • VNC Client with HTML5 support (default http port: 6901)
  • OpenSSH (default SSH port: 22)
  • Git
  • Mini Conda
  • VScode
  • Firefox
  • Anydesk

Run docker without sudo

sudo groupadd docker && gpasswd -a $USER docker

* You can change $USER to match your preferred user name if you do not want to use your current user


Quick start

  • Build an image and run a testing container.
docker-compose build && docker-compose up

NVidia GPU support

If you need use this with NVIDIA GPUs, you need to follow this in the main system.

When NVidia Docker is installed, use this command to run a testing container with GPU support.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml build && docker-compose -f docker-compose.nvidia.yml up


If you have not change the default port yet, you can use the services with the following ports.

  • VNC port: 5901, connect with host <YOUR_HOST_IP> and <PORT>
  • noVNC port: 6901, connect via http://<YOUR_HOST_IP>:6901/?password=<YOUR_VNC_PASSWORD>
  • SSH port: 22, connect with command line ssh root@<YOUR_HOST_IP>:<PORT>

* You can login SSH with default user or root.


You can use these parameters to set some settings.

  • Map ports
    • 5901 (vnc protocol)
    • 6901 (vnc web access)
    • 22 (ssh protocol)

-p 12345:5901 -p 13579:6901 -p 24680:22

  • Set the same timezone

-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro

  • Mount a volume


  • Mount a network disk as a volume

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<YOUR_USER_NAME>,password=<YOUR_PASSWORD>,vers=3.0 //<YOUR_NETWORK_LOCATION> <LOCAL_LOCATION>


  • Override the VNC resolution

-e VNC_RESOLUTION=1920x1080

  • Change the VNC password


  • Change root password


  • Add user


Execution with the only docker command

You need to restart the container to make Chinese input method work after first login into VNC.

  • Run a testing container
docker run -d -p 12345:5901 -p 13579:6901 -p 24680:22 \
            -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
            -v /home/infor/Desktop/test/:/root/Desktop/ \
            -e VNC_PW=infor1234 \
            -e VNC_RESOLUTION=1600x900 \
            -e DEFAULT_USER='test' -e DEFAULT_USER_PASSWORD='test' \
            -e ROOT_PASSWORD='root' \
            --name test test-vnc-gui
