Kubernetes exercises from Kodekloud's Game of Pods course for local use, some edits have been made from the Kodekloud Solution repo as there were some issues in practice. As things stand:
- Drupal_Bravo - Works 100%, had to edit the Kodekloud MySql deployment for MYSQL_USER as "root" is created by default already.
- GOP_Fileserver_Pento - Works 100%, the Kodekloud version has incorrect selectors used in the service and pod.
- Redis_Cluster - Works 100%, just make sure to:
- Use
kubectl get pods -l app=redis-cluster -o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{.status.podIP}:{.spec.containers[*].ports[0].containerPort} '
- Use above and append the output to appropriately with command:
kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-0 -- redis-cli --cluster create --cluster-replicas 1 <STEP 1 OUTPUT>
- Use
- Iron_Gallery - Works 100%, just ensure to have an Ingress Controller e.g. Nginx configured appropriately for the Cluster for internal testing, for external, just use : as per usual.
- Voting_App - Works 100% - No changes required.