OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Alma Linux 8 | Working | Working | Working | TBD | 15 - 30 mins |
Alma Linux 9 | Working | Working | Working | TBD | 15 - 30 mins |
.\almalinux.ps1 -Action build -Version 9 -Template almalinux -Provider virtualbox-iso
.\almalinux.ps1 -Action build -Version 9 -Template almalinux -Provider vmware-iso
- Boot command not getting passed correctly / installation src + software selection unchecked
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
CentOS Stream 9 | Working | TBD | Working | TBD |
.\centos.ps1 -Action build -Version 9 -Template centos -Provider virtualbox-iso
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Debian 12 | Working | TBD | Working | TBD |
- Platforms getting stuck at boot -
No Kernel Module Found
- Fix: Get the Latest
from Debian.
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Fedora 40 | Working | Working | Working | TBD | 10-30 mins |
.\fedora.ps1 -Action build -Version 40 -Template fedora -Provider virtualbox-iso
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
OpenSUSE 15 | Working | TBD | Working | TBD | 17 mins |
.\opensuse.ps1 -Action build -Version 15 -Template opensuse -Provider virtualbox-iso
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Oracle 8.6 | Working | Working | Working | Working | |
Oracle 9.4 | Working | Working | Working | Failing | 20 mins |
.\oracle.ps1 -Action build -Version 8 -Template oracle -Provider vmware-iso
- Oracle 9.4 failing on QEMU due to known lack of support - GH Issue
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
RHEL 7.9 | Working | TBD | Working | Working | |
RHEL 8.1 | Working | TBD | Working | Working | 45 mins |
.\rhel.ps1 -Action build -Version 7 -Template rhel -Provider vmware-iso
.\rhel.ps1 -Action build -Version 7 -Template rhel -Provider virtualbox-iso
- RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 Needs ISO predownloaded - want to see if I can do something with the boot iso rather than full dvd(?)
- Add note about downloading ISOs from RHEL
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Rocky Linux 8.8 | Working | Working | Working | TBD | 15-25 mins |
.\rockylinux.ps1 -Action build -Version 8 -Template rockylinux -Provider virtualbox-iso
OS | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Qemu | Avg Build Time |
Ubuntu 20.04 | Working | TBD | TBD | 15 mins |
Ubuntu 22.04 | Working | Working | Working | 20 mins |
Ubuntu 24.04 | Working | Working | Working | 20 mins |
.\ubuntu.ps1 -Action build -Version 22 -Template ubuntu -Provider hyperv-iso
.\ubuntu.ps1 -Action build -Version 22 -Template ubuntu -Provider virtualbox-iso
.\ubuntu.ps1 -Action build -Version 22 -Template ubuntu -Provider qemu
OS | VMWare Workstation | Hyper-V Gen 2 | VirtualBox | Avg Build Time |
Windows 10 | Working | Working | Working | 45mins - 1hr |
Windows 11 | Working | Working | Working | 12 - 45 mins |
Windows 2022 Standard | Working | Working | Working | 10 - 20 mins |
Windows 2022 Datacenter | Working | Working | Working | 10 - 20 mins |
Windows 2019 Standard | Working | Working | Working | 10 - 20 mins |
Windows 2019 Datacenter | Working | Working | Working | 10 - 20 mins |
.\windows-server.ps1 -Action build -Version 2022 -Type std -Template windows-server -Provider vmware-iso
.\windows-server.ps1 -Action build -Version 2022 -Type std -Template windows-server -Provider hyperv-iso -Generation 2
.\windows.ps1 -Action build -Version 11 -Template windows -Provider vmware-iso
.\windows.ps1 -Action build -Version 11 -Template windows -Provider hyperv-iso -Generation 2