This is a Random Number Generator Add-in written in RAPID (ABB), that allows the user to create random integers, floats, uniform (0-1), or gausians (distributed about the mean, with a standard deviation).
it includes:
Random_v1.3.sys - the raw Hidden System Module that contains the random number generator (in case you prefer to load it manually).
SYS.cfg - the System Configuration that allows Random_v1.3.sys to be automatically loaded in all tasks
Install.cmd - the Installation Commmand Script used in the Add-In packaging tool to install the add-in
Random.pdf - the Description of the add-in, examples of how to use it, & proper syntax - the 'Robot Manifest File' used to import the Add-in into RobotStudio - the 'Robot Package' File that is used by Production Manager 6 to add this to your system.