Implementing a set of APIs using Node.js, Express.js framework, and MySQL to manage school data. The Application will allow users to add new schools and retrieve a list of schools sorted by proximity to a user-specified location
- It consists of following endpoints:
- POST REQUEST ( '/addschool' ) => Validates the input data and adds a new school to the schools table .
- GET REQUEST ('/listschool' ) => Fetches all schools from the database, sorts them based on proximity to the user's location, and returns the sorted list .
- The Application is hosted on render hosting service
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Geolib library
Clone the repository.
Install all the required dependencies
npm install
Intially create your database locally on MYSQL workbench or on any cloud provider.
Database setup
- Create a schools table in MySQL with the following fields:
- id (Primary Key)
- name (VARCHAR)
- address (VARCHAR)
- latitude (FLOAT)
- longitude (FLOAT)
- Create a schools table in MySQL with the following fields:
Replace the fields in the .env file with your details. which consists of follwing fields :
Run the application
npm run start
Navigate to the Link in your Browser