This repository features a collection of fundamental bots developed using Automation Anywhere A360, each designed to automate specific tasks:
- ConvExcelToDB.atmx: Converts data from Excel files into a database format.
- ConvPDFtoCSV.atmx: Extracts data from PDF files and converts it into CSV format.
- Email_Automation.atmx: Automates email management tasks such as sending and organizing emails.
- ErrorHandilingBot.atmx: Handles and resolves errors during bot execution to ensure smooth operation.
- ReaddataFromCSV.atmx: Reads and processes data from CSV files.
- ReadDataFromCSVtoExcel.atmx: Transfers data from CSV files to Excel spreadsheets.
- ReadDataFromDB.atmx: Retrieves and processes data from databases.
- ReadDataFromExcel.atmx: Extracts and processes data from Excel files.
- Send_Email.atmx: Automates the process of composing and sending emails.
- String_Operations.atmx: Performs various string manipulation operations such as concatenation and formatting.
- SurveyformFilling.atmx: Automates the completion and submission of survey forms.
These bots are intended to streamline workflows and enhance productivity by automating repetitive tasks.