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ok100 edited this page Aug 10, 2012 · 10 revisions


Configuration file is located at ~/.config/lyvi/rc in the following form:

key = value
Key Default value Description
lang en Preferred language for metadata
view lyrics Default view. Possible values are: lyrics, artistbio, guitartabs
key_quit q "Quit" key
key_toggle a "Toggle between views" key
key_play x "Play" key
key_pause c "Pause" key
key_next b "Next song" key
key_prev z "Previous song" key
key_stop v "Stop" key
key_volup = "Volume up" key
key_voldn - "Volume down" key
color_title 7 Title color. Possible values are: 0-255, -1 for default terminal color
color_text -1 Text color. Possible values are: 0-255, -1 for default terminal color
color_status -1 Statusbar text color. Possible values are: 0-255, -1 for default terminal color
color_buttons -1 Color of player control buttons. Possible values are: 0-255, -1 for default terminal color
mpd_host localhost MPD host
mpd_port 6600 MPD port
save_lyrics False If True, lyric is saved into currently playing song directory with .lyric suffix. NOTE: This feature don't work with shell-fm, Pianobar, MPlayer, VLC, Qmmp.
bg False If True, terminal background will be set to current artist's photo. NOTE: Only urxvt is supported.
bg_opacity 85 Background opacity. Possible values are: 0-100
bg_path None If this option is set, background images are get from the specified directory. You can use <artist> and <artistinitial> variables in the path, e.g /home/johndoe/Music/<artistinitial>/<artist>
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