UPDATE: Model has been updated to take a page of handwritten text as an input (instead of sentences). Find updated code for the same in the SegmentationNN folder.
Pre-trained Models:
Handwritten Text Recognition: Location- dys_UI/main/model/ (Trained on IAM + Dyagraphia dataset)
Gector: Download- https://grammarly-nlp-data-public.s3.amazonaws.com/gector/roberta_1_gector.th Location- dys_UI/main/gector/models/
Spello: Download- https://haptik-website-images.haptik.ai/spello_models/en_large.pkl.zip Location- dys_UI/main/
Segmentation NN: Download- https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqhco2q67ovpfjq/model.zip?dl=1 Location- dys_UI/main/SegmentationNN/model
DEPENDENCIES: Python 3.7.9
- tensorflow (version 2.4.0)
- torch (version 1.8.0)
- editdistance
- matplotlib
- cv2
- lmdb
- spello
- Fastpunct
- numpy
- allennlp (version 0.8.4)
- python-Levenshtein (version 0.12.0)
- transformers (version 2.2.2)
- scikit-learn (version 0.20.0)
- sentencepiece (version 0.1.91)
- Download the gector model and put in the specified location. (If folder doesn't exist, create folder)
- Download the spello model and put in the specidied location.
- Delete any .DS_Store file (If found)
- Delete any pycache file (If found)