C++ Library to convert Excel worksheets to Pandas dataframes.
The code opens an Excel file, extracts data from selected worksheet and returns a formatted string semicolon separated-values (future version will include comma separated-values). This string can be easily handled by python/pandas.
This software is in testing phase. Feel free to test it out. If you want to share your experience, send me an email (nbittencourt at hotmail dot com).
On an old processor (Intel Core i7-4510U 2.60 GHz, 4 cores) and with 8Gb RAM, the dll/so was between 5 and 20 times faster than Pandas.
##Windows, Python:
##Linux (Ubuntu), Python:
Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 are supported.
pip install excel-to-dataframe
conda install -c nbittencourt excel_to_dataframe
To force specific python version, run one of the following:
conda install -c nbittencourt excel_to_dataframe=0.2.60=py39_0
conda install -c nbittencourt excel_to_dataframe=0.2.60=py310_0
conda install -c nbittencourt excel_to_dataframe=0.2.60=py311_0
conda install -c nbittencourt excel_to_dataframe=0.2.60=py312_0
#Basic usage:
This example uses 'excel_to_pandas.py' to encapsulates library functions. To access library functions directly, see the code in 'excel_to_pandas.py'. To a full functional example, see 'example.py'.
# Including library to our code:
import excel_to_dataframe.excel_to_pandas as etd
# Test access to library printing version:
# Opening an Excel Workbook:
# Function 'open_excel' will return:
# 0 - success;
# -1 - file not found or
# -2 - file found, but it isn't a Excel valid file.
ret = etd.open_excel(<excel_file_full_path>)
# Loading data from worksheet:
# Function 'ws_to_df' will return:
# A Pandas dataframe if success or -1 otherwise
my_pandas_dataframe_1 = etd.ws_to_df(<excel_worksheet_name_1>)
my_pandas_dataframe_2 = etd.ws_to_df(<excel_worksheet_name_2>)
# Closing an Excel Workbook. This is mandatory to change from an Excel File to another.