This project is a simpler way of using the Notion API to interact with your Notion space.
Execute this command in your terminal npm install simplernotion
First, import the module and initialize the Notion client:
const NotionClient = require('simplernotion');
const client = new NotionClient('YOUR_INTEGRATION_TOKEN');
To query a Notion database, use the following function:
const database = await client.query('database', 'YOUR_DATABASE_ID');
To create a new page in a Notion database, use the following code:
const properties = {
Title: "My New Page",
Status: ["Not Started"],
const markdownContent = `# Heading 1
This is **bold text** and //italic text// with __underline__ and ~~strikethrough~~.
Here's a code block:
console.log("Hello, Notion!");
{blue}This text will appear blue in Notion.{/blue}`;
const newPage = await database.pages.create(properties, markdownContent);
console.log("New Page Created:",;
You can update the properties of an existing page as follows:
const page = database.pages.cache.get('page-id');
const updatedProperties = {
Title: "Updated Title",
Status: ["In Progress"],
await page.update(updatedProperties);
console.log("Page updated with new properties");
Duplicate an existing page along with its properties.
const page = database.pages.cache.get('page-id');
const duplicatedPage = await page.duplicate();
console.log("Duplicated Page ID:",;
To get users from your Notion workspace:
const page = database.pages.cache.get('page-id');
await page.delete();
console.log("Page deleted");
To get users from your Notion workspace:
const users = client.users.list();
If you'd like to contribute to this module, feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss improvements.