Sets of tools to fully unpack (with file names) and decrypt Project Cars related files.
- Project Cars 1
- Project Cars 2
- Project Cars 3
- Project Cars GO
- Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends
- PAK unpacking (with file names)
- TOC unpacking (with file names)
- Script decryption (bundled inside executables as bmp...)
- Model decryption (.meb)
- Texture conversion (.tex)
- build.dat decryption
NOTE: Requires oo2core_7_win64 dll file for later games, not included in this repository.
TOC Unpack
PCarsTools toc -i <.../TOCFiles/DirPaks.toc> -g <path to game directory> [--game-type <PC1 or TDFRL>]
PAK Unpack
PCarsTools pak -i <path to pak> -g <path_to_game_directory> [--game-type <PC1 or TDFRL>]
Script decryption
PCarsTools decryptscript -i <path to script>
(script is extracted from executable, normally red bmp file)
Model decryption/encryption
PCarsTools decryptmodel -i <path to meb file>
Texture conversion (removes the header from .tex files)
PCarsTools convert-texture -i <path to tex file>
Build.dat decryption
PCarsTools build-dat -i <path to build.dat>