An axum example of authentication using oauth.
Preview: (This only allows Google auth)
This example uses:
- Axum
- Askama
- Sqlx (with SQlite)
- TailwindCSS
And have oauth authentication for these providers:
- Github
- Discord
- Refresh tokens
- Token revocation
- Install dependencies
cargo install
pnpm install # Or remove pnpm-lock.yaml and run `npm install`
- Create database and run migrations
mkdir data
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
- Run
npm run tw:watch
cargo run # In other shell
Build the image:
docker build . -t axum-oauth
docker run -dp 5000:5000 -e HOST="" -e PORT=5000 -e BASE_URL="http://localhost:5000" --env-file=.env.docker axum-oauth
This require create a
file with similar to.env.sample
graph TD
A[Login] -->|"1. Request /api/auth/{provider}/login"| B[Redirect to Provider]
B -->|"2. Redirect to OAuth provider"| C[Provider Authorization Page]
C -->|"3. User authorizes"| D["Redirect to /api/auth/{provider}/callback"]
D -->|"4. Exchange code for token"| E[Token Response]
E -->|"5. Request user info"| F[Get user information]
F -->|"6. Create or retrieve user"| G[Database - Create/Retrieve User]
G -->|"7. Create user session"| H[Database - Create User Session]
H -->|"8. Remove cookies"| I[Remove CSRF and Code Verifier Cookies]
I -->|"9. Set session cookie"| J[Set Session Cookie]
J -->|"10. Redirect to /"| K[Redirect to Home]
graph TD
L[Logout] -->|"1. Request /api/auth/logout"| M[Check session cookie]
M -->|"2. Delete user session"| N[Database - Delete User Session]
N -->|"3. Remove session cookie"| O[Remove Session Cookie]
O -->|"4. Redirect to /"| P[Redirect to Home]