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Using the toolkit with C#

Holger Dammertz edited this page Jun 2, 2020 · 1 revision

The whole toolkit is written in GDScript. It is still possible to use it with a project based on C# as godot allows to call gdscript functions and set gdscript variables from within C#. This wiki page should give you some hints on how this can be achieved. If you are working on a C# project and are using the toolkit you can help extending this section for others if you have suggestions or tips.

To initialize the global singleton you can use

if (GetTree().Root.HasNode("vr"))
   Node vr = GetTree().Root.GetNode("vr");            

and call the necessary GDScript function.

Below are more general code snippets. Th code there is based on two answers from and

Calling functions:

Node node = GetNode("Node/With/Your/Script/On/It")
node.Call("function_name", argument1, argument2);

Getting/Setting variables:

Node node = GetNode("Node/With/Your/Script/On/It")
Vector3 v = (Vector3)node.Get("variable_name");
node.Set("variable_name", value);