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Erebrus VPN App

Erebrus is a decentralized VPN application that allows users to connect to secure networks using dVPN technology. This project is built using Flutter and supports web3 integration for decentralized functionality.


  • VPN Services: Secure and decentralized VPN service.
  • dWiFi Support: Connect to decentralized Wi-Fi networks.
  • Web3 Integration: Allows users to use decentralized web services.
  • Speed Check: Test internet connection speeds.
  • Subscription Plans: Manage VPN subscription packages.
  • Profile Management: Customize user profiles.
  • Onboarding: Seamless onboarding for new users.

File Structure

├── api/
│   └── api.dart                     # API calls and endpoints management
├── components/
│   └── widgets.dart                 # Reusable UI components
├── config/
│   ├── api_const.dart               # API constants
│   ├── assets.dart                  # Asset paths
│   ├── colors.dart                  # App color palette
│   ├── common.dart                  # Common utility functions
│   ├── secure_storage.dart          # Secure storage configuration
│   └── strings.dart                 # Strings and localization
│   └── theme.dart                   # Application theme and styles
├── controller/
│   └── auth_controller.dart         # Authentication management
├── model/
│   └── erebrus/                     # Erebrus-specific models
│       ├── AllNodeModel.dart        # Node list model
│       ├── CheckSubModel.dart       # Subscription check model
│       ├── DWifiModel.dart          # dWiFi model
│       └── RegisterClientModel.dart # Client registration model
├── view/
│   ├── bottombar/                   # Bottom navigation bar UI
│   ├── dwifi/                       # Decentralized Wi-Fi views
│   ├── home/                        # Home screen views
│   ├── Onboarding/                  # User onboarding UI
│   ├── profile/                     # User profile views
│   ├── setting/                     # Settings views
│   ├── speedCheck/                  # Speed test UI
│   ├── subscription/                # Subscription views
│   └── vpn/                         # VPN connection views
├── web3dart/
│   └── models/                      # Web3dart models
│       ├── marketplace.dart         # Marketplace-related models
│       └── web3dart.dart            # Web3dart integration
├── main.dart                        # Application entry point
└── release/                         # Release apk files

Getting Started


  • Flutter SDK: Make sure Flutter is installed on your machine. Flutter Installation Guide
  • Dart SDK: Erebrus is built using Dart, which comes with Flutter.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd erebrus-vpn
  2. Install dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  3. Configure environment variables:

    • Set up the necessary environment variables in the .env file under the web/ directory.
  4. Run the app:

    flutter run

Key Libraries Used

  • GetX: For state management and routing.
  • Hive: Local storage solution.
  • Flutter Secure Storage: Secure storage for sensitive data.
  • Web3dart: Integration with decentralized networks.
  • Dio: For handling API requests.


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you'd like to contribute to this project.


This project is licensed under the GNU License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Mobile App for connecting to Erebrus VPN







No releases published


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