This demo uses the following components of GCP: kubernetes, docker, pubsub, Natural Language (sentiment analysis), BigQuery, and Data Studio
If you haven't already, clone the Github repository for this demo:
git clone
gcloud config set project neu-ncaa
The topics that are being captured are found in the file neu-ncaa/tweetcapture/pubsub/tweet-capture-docker-image/
(from /neu/tweetcapture/pubsub/tweetcapture-docker-image folder)
gcloud builds submit --tag .
gcloud beta container --project "neu-ncaa" clusters create "ncaatweet-cluster" --zone "us-central1-a" --service-account ""
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ncaatweet-cluster --zone us-central1-a --project neu-ncaa
kubectl create -f twitter-stream.yaml
kubectl create -f bigquery-controller.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl delete deployment -l "name in (twitter-stream, bigquery-controller)"
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv twitter
source twitter/bin/activate
twitter/bin/pip install google-cloud-language
pip install google-cloud-bigquery
python ncaa_tweets
This visualization in Google Data Studio uses several views in BigQuery that pull from the tweet and tweetsentiment tables
gcloud beta container --project "neu-ncaa" clusters delete "ncaatweet-cluster" --zone "us-central1-a"