Perfoms nonlinear EPI to T1 registration using antsRegistration. Before, the T1 image has to be processed in freesurfer and the EPI timeseries should be motion corrected. The code works as a reusable nipype workflow or commandline tool.
###nipype example
nipype_epi_t1_nonlin = create_epi_t1_nonlinear_pipeline('nipype_epi_t1_nonlin')
nipype_epi_t1_nonlin.inputs.inputnode.fs_subject_id = '123456'
nipype_epi_t1_nonlin.inputs.inputnode.fs_subjects_dir = '/project/data/freesurfer'
nipype_epi_t1_nonlin.inputs.inputnode.realigned_epi = 'mcflirt.nii.gz'
inputnode.fs_subject_id # subject id used in freesurfer
inputnode.fs_subjects_dir # path to freesurfer output
inputnode.realigned_epi # realigned EPI timeseries
outputnode.lin_epi2anat # ITK format
outputnode.nonlin_epi2anat # ANTs specific 5D deformation field
outputnode.nonlin_anat2epi # ANTs specific 5D deformation field
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-epi EPI realigned EPI timeseries
-fsdir FSDIR path to freesurfer subjects directory
-fsid FSID subject id used in freesurfer
-wd WD working directory to store output
Reduces dimensions of ANTs specific 5D deformation fields to 4
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE_NAME path to 5D deformation field
-o OUTPUT_NAME 4D output file name