Dashboard web server to manage linklayer VPN
- Ubuntu 22 or higher to avoid possible compatibility issues.
- ROOT access
- Python 3.10.12 or higher
Install all dependencies
apt update && apt install python3 && apt install -y git && apt install -y python3-venv && apt install -y python3-pip
Clone repository
cd /opt && git clone https://github.com/NewToolsWorks/linklayer-backend-dashboard.git && cd linklayer-backend-dashboard
Create virtual env
python3 -m venv dashweb && source dashweb/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -r requeriments.txt
Install web dashboard
- Replace [PORT] with your port example: 8000
- Replace [USERNAME] with your username example: admin
- REPLACE [PASSWORD] with your password example: admin
example command:
python3 install.py --port 8000 --host --username admin --password admin
python3 install.py --port [PORT] --host --username [USERNAME] --password [PASSWORD]
Done with this the web dashboard is now installed, to access from the browser enter http://ipvps:port/login example:
That's all, it's a basic web dashboard that we hope will be useful to you as well. We look forward to your push requests to improve this dashboard, especially that you can share it so that many people can use it. Thank you for supporting the project and again we hope that it will be useful to you.