diff --git a/code/311_committee_requests/02_311_interactive.R b/code/311_committee_requests/02_311_interactive.R index b2de07c..9110442 100644 --- a/code/311_committee_requests/02_311_interactive.R +++ b/code/311_committee_requests/02_311_interactive.R @@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ library(readr) library(data.table) library(councildown) -# accompanying interactive plots to 01_311_initial_request.Rmd -# you don't have to run the first file if you just want the interactive plots +# 311 interactive plots + +# separate but related to 01_311_initial_request.Rmd +# you don't have to run the first file if you just want the interactive plots, +# a lot of it is redundant dsny_311 <- fread("https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/fhrw-4uyv.csv?agency='DSNY'&$where=created_date>='2018-01-01'&$limit=999999999999") setDT(dsny_311)