Dockerfile to build an image with Linux, Apache and PHP. Including most common optimizations like ModPagespeed, Modsecurity, Memcached, REDIS, Pecl, MSSQL support, and more
Hosting prefix is /var/www/vhosts, everything goes to there, by security use this folder to place applications.
Define an application name to use, in this example lets use default as our application name.
- place your webaplication at www/vhosts/default
- Produce a virtual host configuration apache/vhosts/ORDER-default.conf
- ORDER define how loads first, you are able to have +1
- extension MUST BE .conf otherwise apache ignores the vhost file
- You need centralize logs, solve that to troubleshooting and application monitor
- remember that you application will be placed into the container at /var/www/vhosts/default
Remember to setup pipeline build variables:
- ACR-SERVICE-CONNECTION: The name of the service connection to between your project and ACR you defined
- ACR-REPOSITORY-NAME: Chose a name to your repository
After that you may access your images as:
FROM my-acr/repository:branch-name