You can check our full documentation here:
Feel free to contact us to request a demo
- [Fix] Fixed seek issue when there was a loading operation active
- [Fix] Fixed memory leak with long playbacks
- [Add] Added support for multiple NexPlayer download instances
- [Fix] Keep playing the same track after period changes for certain DASH streams
- [Fix] Prevent sample app to crash after a DRM error
- [Add] Include information for the start stream event if there was a codec failure
- [Fix] Fix an issue for FireTV Stick Lite (AFTSS)
- [Fix] Fix senc atom parsing for certain contents
- [Improve] Improve event streams for dash live playback
- [Update] Updated settings organization in the sample project
- [Add] Added new property to receive all SCTE35 events
- [Add] Added new field to offline store data to get the DRM license expiration date
- [Improve] Improve setVolume API to be called during the initialization
- [Fix] Fix offline playback when parallel segment download is enabled
- [Add] Support WEBVTT color styles
- [Improve] Remove printStackTrace calls
- [Add] Program Time for DASH based on the supplemental property urn:scte:dash:utc-time
- [Fix] Closed caption sometimes fail to be set to on
- [Improve] Improve handling of multiple DRM sessions
- [Fix] Fix a crash on some Huawei devices for Atmos contents
- [Update] Automatically disable dynamic thumbnails for unsupported contents
- [Fix] Fix to follow HTTP redirection for video initialization segments
- [Add] New property SET_FALLBACK_URL to provide a backup URL for DASH contents
- [Add] New property for SSL certificate verification
- [Update] Change the way SW DRM recovery is registered
- [Add] Include a new option for NexRecovery to provide a backup URL
- [Add] New property to get PCM data from audio renderer
- [Add] New property to improve video synchronization among multiple instances
- [Add] New property to improve video synchronization among multiple instances
- [Add] Disable subtitle files to be downloaded
- [Update] Support different offset values for different tracks in HLS
- [Update] Vast module update
- [Fix] Fix to handle the #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME value correctly when is incomplete
- [Add] New API to support parsing of license server URL from DASH manifest
- [Add] New API to seek frame-by-frame for local playback
- [Update] ViewRight WebClient updated to version
- [Improve] Align library names across different architectures
- [Improve] Fix Android Studio warnings and comments
- [Improve] Update sample project structure
- [Improve] Reduced package size
- [Fix] Fix AV Sync issue after resuming on AC3 for specific devices
- [Improve] Improve HLS/fMP4 implementation to support encryption scheme changes
- [Add] New listener for trackdown property, when a track down happens
- [Add] AV1 Codec Support
- [Improve] Offline Playback improvements for FAT32 formatted SD Cards
- [Improve] Improve setTargetBandwidth API with QUICK_MIX option for faster track changes
- [Fix] Fixed video stuttering problem for certain devices
- [Update] Improvements for NexRecovery with SWDRM fallback
- [Add] Expose license server response to application layer when there is a DRM error
- [Add] Deliver EMSG events with TimedMetadata callback
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with SET_PRESENTATION_DELAY property
- [Update] Updated settings organization from the sample application
- [Add] EMSG events for HLS/fMP4
- [Update] ViewRight WebClient updated to version
- [Improve] Improvements with Dolby passthrough
- [Add] New API to enable SW DRM recovery
- [Add] Implemented new property to disable video vendor codec
- [Add] Possibility to enable UDS logging before
- [Add] Added new properties in order to get current A/V codec
- [Update] ViewRight WebClient updated to version
- [Update] Migrate sample application to AndroidX
- [Update] Update gradle version of the sample application
- [Update] Automatically fallback to HW DRM when SW DRM fails
- [Update] Provide an API to use socket logging
- [Improve] Improve multiple player instance stability
- [Fix] Fixed an issue for specific type of DRM contents
- [Optimization] Removed unnecessary permissions from sample
- [Add] HTTP/2 Support
- [Optimization] Improve multiple player instance performance
- [Add] Dolby SW decoding support for 64bit devices
- [Add] Allow setting offset for SPD Device Time
- [Add] Implemented a new callback for data inactivity
- [Add] Dolby Vision support for STBs
- [Add] Fast downloads. Download speed has increased up to 2x.
- [Add] Implemented a new callback to receive logs from application side
- [Add] Added support for PSSH version 1
- [Add] Setting SPD value from client-side
- [Add] Widevine reprovisioning API
- [Add] Dolby Passthrough support
- [Add] Dolby Atmos support
- [Fix] Avoid java.util.Collections exception in NexCaptionPainter.
- [Fix] Force to Media DRM security level L3 in case of Pixel C device
- [Fix] Setting Z order for NexVideoView
- [Fix] Changed android version when SDK is a current development Build to SDK 21
- [Fix] Avoid app crashing when types array is empty
- [Fix] Allow Log2File if Android Version is major than Lollipop
- [Fix] Implemented a new property to save logs to the file.
- [Fix] Fixed speed up issue on SPD when paused and resumed
- [Fix] Matched audio renderer usage between iOS and Android
- [Fix] Fixed SPD pixelisation issue when pause and resume
- [Fix] Fixed SPD buffering issue when pause and resume
- [Fix] Fixed the issue that causes Unknown Error Code 0x000006
- [Fix] Fixed returning value when contents is eac3 Dolby
- [Fix] Modified payload parsing when payload is equal to number of rbsp for closed caption
- [Fix] Fixed an issue happens during the audio track change
- [Fix] Added a logic considering wrap around of timestamp in case of enabling a partial prefetch
- [Fix] Fixed the display issue when the current timestamp is not updated from initial position.
- [Fix] Fixed AV sync issue in Android & Amazon TV
- [Update] Updated to check minimum resolution routine
- [Update] Updated to convert html entities in @messageData on DASH
- [Update] Optimised AV synchronisation after seek
- [Add] Added parsing @frameRate attribute on DASH
- [Update] Updated to check query syntax on absolute URL path.
- [Fix] Fixed an error when checking platform information of Android devices.
- [Fix] Enable to download the Widevine key only when playing Widevine contents in offline playback mode.
- [Update] Updated Verimatrix library for supporting Android 64bit devices.
- [Fix] Fixed Dolby codec initialization error.
- [Update] Updated exception handling when the latest segment is missing on mpd.
- [Update] Updated downloading step when stop downloading and download again.
- [Fix] Fixed transparent PiP when the player is still buffering.
- [Fix] Fixed error stopOfflineStore() api is not working.
- [Add] Added support to get the video resolution of each video track.
- [Fix] Fixed to change Pixel Format on specific devices.
- [Add] Added new setProperty to synchronize based on device UTC time.
- [Fix] Fixed internal issues
- [Fix] Fixed socket error issue when redirected contents unsupported offline playback
- [Fix] Fixed a stored offline playback issue with long url
- [Fix] Fixed a rebuffing rate issue after long playback
- [Added] Added error codes for crypto errors
- [Updated] Agama EMPClient updated to the latest
- [Fixed] Fixed the order of library when using under Android 4.3 devices
- [Added] Added Http header field on sample UI
- [Update] Update to skip the IODSParsing function
- [Fix] Fixed Video Freeze AV sync Issue when setting by SPD
- [Fix] Fixed slow motion when setMediaStream is called
- [Fix] Fixed crash issue on multi thread access of audio renderer
- [Update] Updated content format support on K85 ZTE
- [Update] Updated error code description when decrypt failed
- [Update] Updated redirect url when ‘@‘ character included
- [Update] Updated Segment Guessing condition
- [Update] Updated Agama Integration
- [Update] Updated the setting SystemUTCOffset
- [Update] Updated leap year check routine
- [Fix] Fixed Jerky playback by optimizing audio task
- [Fix] Fixed audio glitch by optimizing audio task
- [Optimization] Improvement of A/V sync performance on SPD
- [Upgrade] Support of AdaptationSet removal in multi-period streaming sessions. Previously giving error 0x00015 (unknown)
- [Optimization] Reduced starting time when playing Widevine contents
- [Update] Optimized ABR algorithm for low latency streaming.
- [Update] Updated DASH SegmentTimeline parser to support more manifest formats
- [Update] drmSessionManager is released in close (no impact in Widevine app usage)
- [Fix] Fixed crash issue while changing WebVTT to TTML.
- [Fix] Fixed crash issue while parsing for incorrect ID3 tag ### version by implementing of defensive code.
- [Optimization] Improvement of EMSG data callback
- [Optimization] Improvement of TimedText CaptionRenderer
- [Update] Upgrade OpenSSL ver from 1.0.2r to 1.1.1d
- [Added] Added callback for getting Widevine Level (L1,L3)
- [Improvement] Improved Widevine policy for offline playback to HW->SW policy
- [Added] Added the possibility to go to SW Widevine if (enableWVSW && !enableMediaDRM)
- [Added] New API updateHTTPheaderFields
- [Add] Added explanation of init() API.
- [Fix] Fixed Dash WebVTT alignment in fragmented mp4
- [Fix] NPDS-6291 Fixed WebVTT
- [Improvement] Improved audio renderer library for better seek and AV synch at some devices
- [Fix] Fixed buffering issue for A/V interleaved content
- [Improvement] NPDS-6286 Hiccup effect when skipping through content improved
- [Optimization] Improvement of A/V sync performance on specific live contents
- [Optimization] Optimized video performance for low end devices SM-T280, SM-T285 and Oppo A37f
- [Fix] Fixed and issue when pausing a live stream that caused frequent error 23.
- [Fix] Fixed and issue when playing a video only stream first that caused frequent error 14.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with live stream: If we pause and resume the sound and video were off-synch.
- [Fix] Fixed hiccup on pause and seek during playback.
- [Fix] Fixed issue: DRM stream could not play if starting position was not 0.
- [Optimization] Improvement of HEVC performance on Amazon device Cube
- [Update] Optimization for Samsung Gakaxy tab model T280
- [Update] Optimizations for phone model Oppo A37f
- [Update] Changed default Widevine policy: Try HW Widevine first and apply SW Widevine only if HW fails
- [Update] Fixed an issue when pausing and resuming
- [Update] Added SEND_ALL_DASH_MPD_EVENTS property
- [Update] Support optional header fields of HW DRM
- [Add] Added EMSG data callback
- [Add] Added Connecting Proxy Server automatically
- [Add] Added DRM content download with optional header
- [Update] Fixed error of incorrect processing when trying to activate the audio in one particular case
- [Update] Fixed closed caption problem in one particular case
- [Update] Added API to force WebVTT alignment from app layer
- [Update] Updated Agama optional library (support Android 64 bit and fixed Gradle build for Agama)
- [Update] Fixed a crash issue on dynamic thumbnails (HLS)
- [Update] Fixed a problem where the CTS was incorrect when synchronizing sessions with ProgramDateTime(HLS)
- [Update] Updated to pass _dwCencSessionId value in FrameInfo
- [Add] Added LIVE_OFFSET_SEGMENT_COUNT property(Java Side)
- [Update] Improved caption renderer
- [Update] Fixed an issue that Video off-sync after pause
- [Add] Added latest unity sdk
- [Update] Downgrade OpenSSL ver from 1.0.2s to 1.0.2r
- [Update] Fixed an issue where player is failed to connect content on android 64bit
- [Add] Support SW Widevine on 64bit
- [Update] Fixed an crash issue where player is crashed on some devices
- [Update] Fixed an issue where Nexplayer is occur to be crash if source type is 'local' and content path is null
- [Update] Fixed wrong type casting in the nex audio renderer
- [Update] Improved performance of the caption renderer
- [Update] Changed default user-agent based on websetting of device
- [Update] Fixed an issue where player is crashed when NexPlayer read a big size of WebVTT Caption
- [Update] Updated OpenSSL from ver1.0.2k to ver1.0.2s
- [Update] Fixed an issue where player falls in ANR when player is stopped with some close caption contents
- [Update] Implemented to switch clear to encrypted frames
- [Update] Fixed to reset decoder information when codec is released
- [Update] Fixed an issue where player is not able to switch clear and encryption segment on SW widevine
- [Update] Fixed that player don't wait text segment in DASH if player is not set to "CaptionWaitOpen" property
- [Update] Fixed an issue where player is not able to change stream in multi-period content
- [Add] Added the Constant Buffer Management for Low Latency
- [Update] Chnaged to play from the live position instead of playing from disconnected position, when the network connection is reconnected(HLS, DASH)
- [Add] Added to conver HTML Entities in URL to ASCII charactes
- [Update] fixed to fmp4 webvtt timescale issue
- [Update] Improved seeking routine.
- [Update] Improved stability of playback
- [Update] Improved stability for widevine key rotated content.
- [Update] Support fmp4 mutti track in HLS
- [Update] Improved a MPD reload for SegmentTimeline in DASH.
- [Update] Improved stability of playback
- [Update] Improved to correctly support HLS master playlist with multiple codecs.
- [Add] Supports PlayReady DRM with common encryption(cenc) in Smooth Streaming. -[Update] Improved video synchronization routine.
-[Update] Improved stability of PIFF DRM
-[Add] Add a property of NexCaptionSetting to replace the desired color by specifying the color to be replaced.
- [Add] Added new error code (ERROR_AES_KEY_RECV_FAIL).
- [Update] Improved client time shift feature
- [Update] Optimized default initial buffering time.
- [Update] Improved failover policy
- [Update] Improved stability of subtitle routine.
- [Update] Improved Video ChunkPaser routine.
- [Update] Supported SCTE35 events in DASH. -[Update] Improved subtitles performance. -[Update] Supported License Renewal in Widevine. -[Update] Improved stability of video init routine.
- [Add] Added new error codes (DRM_NOT_SUPPORT_HDCP).
- [Update] Improved stability of widevine DRM.
- [Update] improved compatibility for old jdk.
- [Update] Improved stability of widevine DRM.
- [Update] Improved client time shift feature
- [Add] Added new error codes (DRM_INSUFFICIENT_HDCP_LEVEL).
- [Update] Improved Video ChunkPaser routine.
- [Update] Improved audio processing routine.
- [Update] Improved Mpeg-TS Parser.
- [Update] Improved client time shift feature.
- [Update] Improved stability of the http downloader.
- [Add] Supported IMA(VAST) SDK.
- [Update] Supported DASH SPD(Suggested Presentation Delay) feature.
- [Update] Improved fastPlay feature.
- [Add] Added new API getTimeCode in NexID3TagInformation to get the timestamp of timed metadata.
- [Add] Added onHlsFirstProgramDateTime() listener to reports the HLS first program date time information.
- [Add] Supported EMSG(SCTE-35) events.
- [Update] Fixed AV synchronization issue for certain TS file.
- [Add] Supported AC4 Elementry stream.
- [Update] Improved the Mpeg-TS & MP4MF frame generate routine
- [Update] Improved the Mpeg-TS parser.
- [Update] Improved stability of the subtitle parser.
- [Update] Improved NexStreamInformation for multiple subtitle stream.
- [Optimization] Improved codec libraries search routine.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
-[Update] Improved stack smashing protection
- [Update] added Android armeabi-v7a ABI.
- [Update] set max width/height to input format(for Nexus 7 / SM-T560* Samsung Tab E)
- [Update] Added exception handling for the case where the system time of the client is incorrect.
- [Update] Modified sending a message for service certificate through the registered listener.
- [Update] Supported key rotation of widevine DRM
- [Add] Add INexDRMLicenseListener for delegator of Widevine License Request.
- [Add] Added the new setMediaStreamTrack API to set audioStreamID and audioTrackID.
- [Update] Improved NexOfflineStoreController processing routine.
- [Update] Support Android x86_64 ABI.
-[Update] Improved HTTP User Header add routine -[Update] Supported pass public time in DASH.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved WideVine DRM performances.
-[Update] Improved dynamic thumbnails performance. -[Update] Improved subtitles performance.
-[Add] Added the new setMediaTrack API to set audioTrack. -[Update] Improved the AAC ADTS header check routine. -[Update] Supported HW Widevine (HLS with fMP4).
- [Optimization] Improved video performance. -[Update] Improved dynamic thumbnail performance.
-[Add] Added -fstack-protector-strong compile option. -[Update] Improved stability of the subtitle parser. -[Update] Improved stability of playback in the offline mode. -[Update] Improved error handling the AudioRenderer routine. -[Update] Improved stability of playback using Widevine DRM.
-[Update] Improved audio codec init routine. -[Update] Supported ABR using SpeedControl. -[Update] Improved start-up time for PD(progressive download) content. -[Update] Improved file parser. -[Update] Updated the surfaceHolder's Callback message using openGL renderer. -[Add] Added new API getTTMLTimeData2Array in NexClosedCaption, to get time information of TTML. -[Update] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Improved video rendering routine on ONEPLUS A3003 device.
- [Update] Improved DASH redirection routine.
- [Update] Improved seamless decoder routine on AFTA device.
- [Optimization] Improved statistics performance
- [Update] Improved A/V sync routine.
- [Update] Supported HW PlayReady DRM with DASH.
- [Update] Improved ABR algorithm.
- [Update] Improved subtitle file checking routine.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved video rendering performances.
- [Updated] Improved audio frame lost routine.
- [Updated] Supported HDR (High Dynamic Range) on Galaxy S7 and S8.
- [Updated] Supported SW Widevine for CMAF HLS contents.
- [Updated] Improved the parsing routine of ID3 TTML.
- [Updated] Supported for the #EXT-X-DATERANGE tag in HLS.
- [Updated] Improved the changing routine of a/v stream.
- [Updated] Improved playback when the duration of the dash segment is very small (eg. 200ms).
- [Updated] Supported SW Widevine for DASH contents.
- Fixed jira issue [DSTS-1970].
- [Update] improved the seamless decoder routine in AFTN device.
- [Add] Property added to enable getting detail error. NexProperty.ENABLE_DETAIL_ERROR
- [Add] Added new API getDetailedError in NexPlayer, to get detailed error when NexProperty.ENABLE_DETAIL_ERROR is enabled.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] improved performance and A/V sync for FireTV generation 2.
- [Update] improved performance and A/V sync for FireTV devices.
- [Update] Supported Hw AC3 codec for FireTV generation 2.
- [Update] Improved seek routine for FireTV.
- [Update] Improve setMediaStream routine.
- [Updated] Improved memory management for timedmeta content in 64bit
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Added the new scale mode "SCALE_ASPECT_FILL".
- [Update] Improved stop routine on Android O.
- [Update] Improved error code handling.
- [Update] Improved video performances on HEVC.
- [Update] Improved Conviva module.
- [Update] Improved the TTML decoder.
- [Add] Added new API getUnknownSubCode in NexErrorCode, to get the sub error code when unknown error occurs.
- [Fixed]Improved behaviour of the buffering when the content uses CC and subtitles.
- [Add] Added enableTrack API to enable disabled tracks.
- [Optimization] Improved parsing routine of PIFF DRM contents
- [Add] Supported below features of HLS V7.
- [Update] Updated selection of embedded closed captions along with other captions.
- [Optimization] Improved A/V synchronization during playback.
- [Add] Added new API, NexClosedCaption::getCaptionType, to get the caption type.
- [Update] Improved audio performances.
- [Update] Improved 404 error handling routine for live streams.
- [Update] Improved performance and A/V sync for HUAWEI M2-A01W device.
- [Update] Improved TTML renderer.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Improved TTML renderer
- [Fixed] Added missing parameters of statistic monitor in Smooth Streaming.
- [Update] Improved changing text stream routine.
- [Update] Improved the routine to check that player is initialized.
- [Update] Improved CTS adjustment routine in live streams.
- [Update] Supported WebVTT format in mp4.
-[Update] Support StatisticsMonitor on SmoothStreaming.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Improved WebVTT subtitles renderer.
- [Update] Support HEVC with WideVine encrypted content
- [Update] Improved AC3 performance for FireTV.
- [Add] Property added to enable TTML text tracks in ID3 tags. NexProperty.ENABLE_ID3_TTML. -[Update] Supported role scheme in DASH. -[Update] Improved redirection processing for MSS. -[Update] Support of custom caption attributes. -[Update] Improved TTML renderer -[Update] Improved stability of the WebVTT subtitle renderer -[Fix] Improved behaviour of the setVideoBitrates API on 64bit SDK package. -[Fix] Improved behaviour of the WideVine DRM. -[Update] Applied Verimatrix-ViewRight-Web-
-[Update] Improved TimedMeta processing routine.
- [Update] Improved Video performance and A/V Sync for LeTV devices.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved A/V synchronization during playback.
- [Update] Improved Audio Performance for LeTV.
-[Update] Improved time calculation routine in TTML. -[Fix] Improved SPS Data processing routine in HEVC.
- [Update] Updated to OpenSSL ### version 1.0.2k.
- [Update] Improved method to show the name and language in audio/subtitle tracks.
- [Fix] Improved DRM callback registration routine in 64bits.
- [Fix] Fixed not called DOWN_START event in statistics monitor.
- [Optimization] Improved track change routine when occurring network error.
- [Optimization] Improved gotoCurrentLivePosition API routine.
- [Optimization] Improved webvtt renderer.
- [Add] Support custom attributes of captions, Added a new class, "NexCaptionPainter", to render captions as WEBVTT, TTML, CEA608, CEA708, SMI, SRT, SUB more easily. Added a new class, "NexCaptionSetting", to set caption styles such as color, size, bold, italic, underline, a position of caption and edge style effects to NexCaptionPainter. Added a new class, "NexCaptionWindowRect", to set the position of caption window.
- [Optimization] Improved base timestamp calculation routine.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Supported start time of live contents in DASH and SS.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer.
- [Add] Property added for checking HTTP Response and Request header length. NexProperty.CHECK_HTTP_HEADER_LENGTH.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer. NexPlayer.NexUniqueIDVer.### version_3.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer.
- [Update] Improve Audio Performance for FireTV when AC3 streams are includeded.
- [Update] Improve stream selection routine.
- [Update] Improve setMediaStream routine.
- [Optimization] Improved #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tag handling routine.
- [Update] Support of NexStatisticsMonitor for DASH.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue related to wrong parsing of TS segments.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the parser recognized as valid a file that doesn't support video TS segment.
- [Fix] Fixed an error that made some webvtt subtitles be displayed in the wrong position.
- [Update] Support of TLS v1.2 in OPENSSL.
- [Optimization] Improved Text Decoder.
- [Optimization] Improved general video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved the TTML Caption rendering routine.
- [Optimization] Changed the return values of 'NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleCallbackFunc' and 'NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc' to match with other callbacks.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML caption rendering routine.
- [Add] Added HLSAES128DRMManager class to support different kinds of DRM schedules simultaneously.
- [Fix] Fixed an error where WebVTT subtitle rendering stopped when playing content for a long time(more than 13 hours) in HLS live stream.
- [Optimization] Improved the playback routine when there is a "lost frame".
- [Optimization] Improve setMediaStream() routine for FireTV when AC3 streams are includeded.
- [Fix] Improved the WebVTT rendering routine.
- [Fix] Fixed the memory leak issue when playing CEA 608 multi-channel content.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Support NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc. typedef int (*NEXPLAYERHLSAES128DescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc)
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where pauseAfterReady did not work in certain conditions..
- [Fix] Improved the NexPlayer playback routine in IPV6 network.
- [Fix] Fixed the error where ABR track switching did not work when playing certain SS content.
- [Add] Support multiple listeners public boolean addEventReceiver(NexEventReceiver receiver) public boolean removeEventReceiver(NexEventReceiver receiver)
- [Add] Support Http redirection in DASH protocol.
- [Update] Support HLS + fMP4.
- [Update] Support Android 64-bits.
- [Fix] Added an exception handler for destroying surface while seeking.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Added an exception routine that does not send http response data to the UI when the received data from the server is bigger than 2KB.
- [Fix] Fixed the function which gets texts from webvtt subtitles as a string through API NexClosedCaption.getTextStringForWebVTT().
- [Fix] Added an exception handler for destroying surface while seeking.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where closed caption, WebVTT and TTML, was flickering.
- [Fix] Added a security exception handling for AgamaClient.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where closed caption was flickering.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Improved the close routine which can stop NexPlayer before the UI receives an event of asynchronous open completion.
- [Fix] Fixed a crash issue where the surface is destroyed.
- [Fix] Fix the issue where audio did not play in encrypted DASH content.
- [Optimization] Improved TTML renderer. Implemented some missed tags.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where certain live DASH content could not play properly.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where certain content played audio only.
- [Update] Updateed the Sample App to work in Android Studio 2.2.x.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where a green screen was rendered during playback on a specific device.
- [Improve] Improved the interlaced content detection algorithm.
- [Fix] Fixed an error where NexPlayer notified onStatusReport with a wrong value "NEXPLAYER_ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE(0x10002)" instead of "eNEXPLAYER_HTTP_INVALID_RESPONSE(0xb)".
- [Fix] Improved the performance of playback while switching text streams.
- [Add] Added ENABLE_DECODER_SEAMLESS property which can improve the video playback performance while switching tracks.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved ABR algorithms.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the TTML subtitles were not displayed in Smooth Streaming mode.
- [Optimization] Improved audio and video sync logic.
- [Update] Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Improved the checking routine of ADTS AAC header.
- [Optimization] Improved the error handling when receiving a 503 error from the Server.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where the player could not totally parse content descriptions when parsing an ID3 tag.
* [Optimization] Improved the checking routine of seekable frames in HEVC.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where the player could not start playback when the content's playlist media type is audio.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where an audio renderer timestamp is not calculated correctly in some devices.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where the subtitle couldn't be displayed normallywhen changeSubtitlePath() is called.
- [Optimization] Removed the DNS cache routine.
- [Update] Support subtitle in DASH.
- [Optimization] Improved i-frame check routine.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue of the Start->Stop routine during offline playback.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where the engine did not parse timed metadata successfully.
- [Add] Added a callback that verifies whether or not a key attribute is supported by the DRM module. NEXPLAYERHLSIsSupportKeyCallbackFunc()
- [Optimization] Increased the DNS cache stack size.
- [Fix] Disabled partial prefetch if any DRMs are registered.
- [Optimazation] Improved a socket API.
- [Optimazation] Improved a socket API.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Set the Codec type based on each track's information (Now supports Smooth Streaming and DASH.)
- [Fix] Fixed incorrect time stamps in some Smooth Streaming content.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Support IPv6.
- [Add] Support offline playback on DASH.
- [Add] Support VAST Ads playback.
- [Add] Support TV input service.
- [Fix] Improved webvtt caption newline process routine.
- [Add] Added a new DRM callback to parse enveloped headers of a PD block. DRM callback: NEXPLAYERPDEnvelopHeaderParsingCallbackFunc().
- [Update] Set the Codec type based on each track's information (This is only available on HLS).
- [Add] Support Dynamic Thumbnail on HLS.
- [Add] Added APIs to support File Descriptor in the assets folder. public int openFD(AssetFileDescriptor afd) public int openFD(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length) public int changeSubtitleFD(AssetFileDescriptor afd) public int changeSubtitleFD(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length)
- [Fix] Improvedvideo decoder stability.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where playback of https content via proxy server failed.
- [Optimization] Improved the library search routine within the library path.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fixed] Fixed an issue where a green screen was rendered during playback on a specific device. Device : HTC HTC Sensation XL with Beats Audio X315e.
- [Optimization] Improved library search routine within the library path.
### version
- [Update] Added support for the onDemand profile in DASH. * [Fix] Fixed the issue where HLS content that included webvtt caption was not downloaded when 'storing'.
- [Optimization] Improved ABR algorithm.
- [Optimization] Improved playback on the set start time.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where a caption was displayed before playback.
### version
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Removed the text-relocation and dependency from OpenSSL.
- [Add] Added the keepScreenOn API that can control sleep mode.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the player pauses when the player goes to the background in video disabled mode.
- [Add] Supported CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD_AT_PAUSE property for VOD content.
- [Add] Supported the onHTTPABRTrackChange callback to control ABR.
### version * [Optimization] Improved A/V synchronization during playback.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue of H/W Codec initialization on specific devices.
- [Optimization] Improved 'START_WITH_AV' property.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the total playtime was not displayed.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the Audio and Video CTSand PTS weren't sequentially increased in specific DASH content.
- [Fix] Improved stability : Fixed an issue where the player was in an infinite loop while parsing timed metadata for specific content.
- [Fix] Improved robustness: AAC decoder initialization failed when the first AAC frame included wrong data, now the player overcomes the error and continues playback.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Added a new class NexVideoView to make NexPlayer sample app more easily.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the "#EXT-X-START" tag was not calculated correctly.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the first I-Frame data was missing if the data was not located at the beginning of the HLS TS segments.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the player could not seek to 0 second position if a MP4 file contains "moof" and "trun" box.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Removed blank characters in TTML timed text.
- [Optimization] Improved process when calculating video resolution without the crop flag.
- [Optimization] Improved Agama integration with view state management and error report.
- [Optimization] Modified process to retry connection when NexPlayer cant receive fragments while opening a content.
- [Add] Supports Proxy server. Added the property 'PROXY_ADDRESS' to set proxy address. Added the property 'PROXY_PORT' to set proxy port.
- [Add] Added a new DRM callback to handles HLS DRM content with a byte range. DRM callback: NEXPLAYERHLSTSDescrambleWithByteRangeCallbackFunc().
- [Fix] Fixed issue with missing ID3 tags.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Improved management of prefetch buffer.
- [Fix] Fixed issue with unstable video rendering after playback was paused and resumed by pressing the home button.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player started playback from 0 seconds again if the start time was set to a value bigger than end of seekable range.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Improved audio playback performances.
- [Update] Support for HLS Sample Encryption added.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where timed metadata was duplicated.
- [Update] Updated video renderer library files.
- 'libnexralbody_video_ics', 'libnexralbody_video_jb' have been merged into 'libnexralbody_video_nw'. Although the old libraries have been retained for backward compatibility, please replace these old libraries with 'libnexralbody_video_nw'.
- 'libnexralbody_video_hc' has been removed, and merged into 'libnexralbody_video_opengl'.
- [Fix] Improved exception handling of consecutive calls of NexALFactory release.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Adjusted TTML caption text area when using a custom font.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] 'Start time' is applied during HLS live content.
- [Add] Added a new 'open' API for opening content. public int open(String path, String smiPath, String externalPDPath, int type, int transportType); Existing 'open' API with the 'bufferingTime' parameter will be deprecated.
- [Optimization] Removed 'getSMIClassInfo()' API that is not used anymore.
- [Optimization] Improved Client-Side TimeShift performance.
- [Optimization] Add support for remote external subtitle files.
- [Fix] Improved performance when starting video.
- [Add] Add new API 'setClientTimeShift' to set backward buffer duration for client-side timeshift in live content. public native int setClientTimeShift(boolean bEnable, String strFileBufferPath, int uiTimeShiftBufferSize, int uiTimeShiftDuration, int uiMaxBackwardDuration);
- [Optimization] Changed android.util.FloatMath to java.lang.Math due to deprecation of that API.
- [Add] Added a new API 'setNetAddrTable' to set a custom IP address based on the hostname. public int setNetAddrTable(NexNetAddrTable table, int nNetAddrTableType);
- [Fix] Added exception handling for LivePlaybackController.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue caused by an invalid AudioTrack state.
- [Fix] Added exception handling to prevent a crash from occurring when parsing ID3Tag.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue with start time calculation.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Improved Offline Store feature. Content is not downloaded again if it has already been downloaded.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player couldn't set a starting position for playback of HLS content where audio and video are provided in different ts files respectively.
- [Optimization] Improved startup time when starting playback of PD (progressive download) content.
- [Add] Added a new API 'changeSubtitlePath' to allow subtitles to be changed during playback. public native int changeSubtitlePath(String path);
- [Optimization] Improved A/V sync performance.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where AAC codec crashed when reset was called during decoding.
- [Update] Improved progressive download start time when network throughput is low. public String getUniqueID(Object appContext, NexUniqueIDVer ver); public String getUniqueID(Object appContext, String key, NexUniqueIDVer ver); public int setUniqueIDVer(NexUniqueIDVer ver);
- [Add] Added new "Store offline" feature (content can be stored for offline play, without having to play the content when storing).
- [Fix] Fixed issue where video render was freezing when setOutputPos API was called.
- [Update] Added support for multi-language tracks in TTML timed text.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where a pointer was referencing the wrong object when trying to delete a cookie.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Optimization] Changed NexPlayer logs to be concealed ONLY when the log level is set to -1. Removed additional logs.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where, after seeking forward during HLS playback, it was no longer possible to seek back to the beginning of the HLS content.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where timed metadata was being dropped after an ad was played back.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player buffered twice after seeking to an arbitrary time during playback of certain content.
- [Optimization] Changed to conceal NexPlayer logs when the log level is set -1.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where PTS was skipped because of DSI information changing incorrectly.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the player didn't get an ERROR callback when the network or server was disconnected.
- [Add] Added 'NexABRController' to provide the application with ABR related methods.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Fixed issue of noise being heard when using speed control.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player crashed when closed with an invalid sequence.
- [Add] Added support for the client-side time-shift feature to allow seeking and pausing while playing live content.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player made an invalid byte range when the byte range wasn't specified, .
- [Fix] Fixed issue where timed metadata was being dropped.
- [Optimization] Re-inclusion of async task 'NEXPLAYER_ASYNC_CMD_NONE'.
- [Optimization] Added an exception handler to avoid calling register functions before NexPlayer is released.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Fixed the issue where audio was silenced when starting some PD content randomly.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Added FastPlay feature for HLSv04 I-Frame only track.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player didn't send END_OF_CONTENT event on 'Kindle Fire HD' devices.
- [Optimization] Removed unnecessary logs.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player, using openGL renderer, was rewinding slightly when a track was changed.
- [Fix] Fixed an issue where the audio track crashed when it failed to get some Android resources (by adding exception).
- [Optimization] Redesigned NexPlayer for more stable stop/start in Live play.
- [Fix] Improved audio track selection algorithm when there are more than 2 audio streams (AAC, AC-3) in 1 TS segment.
- [Optimization] Removed mention of unused listeners in documentation, in chapter "1.12. Support for Time Shift in Live Content".
- [Fix] Fixed network protocol error when streaming HLS content by improving handling routine when generating DSI data.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where video wasn't displayed for specific cases.
- [Fix] Fixed issue with playback of content that includes 2 DTS audio frames in one PES packet.
- [Optimization] Removed unclear error codes.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Fixed video parsing error for H.265 content.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player was blocked for a 60 second timeout in SSL_Socket API.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where the player couldn't find group-IDs in HLS audio-only content with multiple group-IDs.
- [Fix] Improved the algorithm that shortens buffering time when an HLS track is changed during playback.
- [Fix] Improved decoding and rendering of WebVTT captions.
- [Optimization] Added exception handling when audio decoder output configuration has been changed.
- [Fix] Improved the algorithm for calculating timestamps in Smooth Streaming content.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Fixed issue where SMI caption couldn't be displayed during playback.
- [Fix] Improved playback stability in HLS.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Improved H.265 playback stability.
- [Optimization] Improved support for multiple audio group-IDs in HLS content.
- [Optimization] Improved HEVC performance.
- [Fix] Improved rendering stability.
- [Fix] Improved playback stability.
- [Optimization] Improved video performance.
- [Optimization] Improved playback stability in HLS.
- [Update] Updated AC3 2.0 codec library.
- [Add] Added setAudioPitch() API to adjust the pitch of audio in content.
- [Add] Added support for "Dynamic Thumbnail Preview" feature in Smooth Streaming.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Fix] Improved video playback stability.
- [Optimization] Improved video playback stability.
- [Fix] Improved playback stability during Live streaming.
- [Add] Added new API changeMinBandWidth(), changeMinMaxBandWidth().
- [Optimization] Improved Video renderer stability.
- [Fix] Improved seek operation.
- [Fix] Improved video playback stability in PD streaming.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Added support for HEVC codec in HLS.
- [Add] Added support for client-side time-shift feature to seek and pause while playing live contents.
- [Optimization] Improved SW CODEC DOWNLOAD module to download SW-codec in normal.
- [Fix] Added SSL_set_tlsext_host_name() function which sets TLS host name and address in case of SSL connection failures.
- [Update] Improved ABR algorithm.
- [Add] Added new APIs to NexVideoRenderer and GLRenderer to resolve memory issues with older devices. NexVideoRenderer.onPause, NexVideoRenderer.onResume, GLRenderer.setListener are added.
- [Add] Added the property, 'isLive', to NexClient. PREF_BOOL_IS_LIVE is added.
- [Optimization] Improved HLS stability.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Add] Added new property to disable the Audio Only track in HLS content. NexProperty.ENABLE_AUDIOONLY_TRACK : Sets whether to enable or disable Audio Only track in HLS.
- [Add] Added new property for better sync between the audio and video tracks when playing content with wrong time stamps. NexProperty.SEGMENT_TS_RELIABLE : Sets whether to trust content's timestamps.
- [Add] Added new property to continue downloading data in pause state with HLS content. NexProperty.CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD_AT_PAUSE : Sets whether to continue downloading HLS data when playback has paused.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Added support for #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag in HLS.
- [Optimization] Fixed finilizer error at Android 5.0
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Fixed an issue with crashes when using the Conviva library.
- [Update] Removed HTTP range header in HLS requests. Certain servers didn't reply correctly if the range header is included.
- [Update] Updated device security checking module for Android 5.0 devices.
- [Add] Added a new API for VM callback (for KeyRetrievalStatus, ConfigureOutputControlSettings, OperatorData)
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
- [Update] Added exception handling for when the system returns a wrong profile length.
- [Update] Improved TimeStamp calculation at HLS.
- [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Update] Improved the A/V sync on Kindle Fire.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Update] Added support for rendering HTML symbols in TTML timed text.
* [Update] Improved stability of Progressive Download.
* [Update] Improved HLS algorithm when transfer encoding mode is chunked.
* [Update] Added support for text alignment in TTML timed text captions.
* [Update] Improved stability for HLS.
* [Update] Improved A/V sync on Samsung devices running Kitkat.
* [Update] Updated the sample code for NexHD callback.
* [Update] Added support for caption styling of TTML timed text in Smooth Streaming content.
* [Update] Added support for the "line" tag in WebVTT text tracks.
* [Update] Improved CEA 608 CEA 708 closed caption performance.
* [Add] Added new a API, NexVideoRenderer::release(). Please see doc section for more information. This can be ignored if this new API is not useful to you.
* [Add] Added new APIs, NexPlayer::IReleaseListener, NexPlayer::addReleaseListener(), NexPlayer::removeReleaseListener() to handle release events. Please see doc section 5.23 for more information. These can be ignored if the new APIs are not needed.
* [Update] Added support for "#EXT-X-START" tag in HLS.
* [Update] Improved playback with large playlists in HLS.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Update] Improved stability of audio renderer.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Update] Improved algorithm for changing audio tracks.
* [Update] Improved redundant stream selection algorithm in HLS streaming.
* [Update] Improved text track selection algorithm.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Optimizaion] Improved stability for HLS
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.PREFER_LANGUAGE_AUDIO to set the language of audio played in multistream content.
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.PREFER_LANGUAGE_TEXT to set the language of text played in multistream content.
* [Optimization] Improved handling of timed metadata.
* [Optimization] Improved A/V sync on Kindle Fire HDX
* [Optimization] Improved TimedMeta A/V sync module.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Add] Added new API, NexCaptionRenderer::setDefaultTextSize, to change default text size.
* [Add] Added new API, NexCaptionRenderer::setLineSpacingRate, to change space size between lines.
* [Optimization] Support MP4 container contents in external progressive dowonload.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA 708 closed caption renderer.
* [Add] Added support for image-based captions.
* [Optimization] Improved playback of CFF contents.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA 708 closed caption renderer.
* [Optimization] "VideoOnOff" feature optimized by stopping decoding when Audio or Video are stopped to reduce battery consumption.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Add] Added "Start Seconds" property in the Sample APP.
* [Optimization] Improved ID3 metadata events.
* [Optimization] Improved playlist parsing.
* [Optimization] Improved HLS protocol.
* [Optimization] Improved WebVTT parser.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA 608 and WebVTT closed caption renderer.
* [Optimization] Improved handling of ID3 metadata events.
* [Optimization] Improved calculation of Presentation Timestamp (PTS).
* [Optimization] Improved Timeout behavior when seeking.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA 608 closed caption renderer.
* [Optimization] Improved WebVTT renderer.
* [Optimization] Support using only the Android HW codec with H264 content.
* [Optimization] Changed the Android target SDK ### version of the Sample app (from 9 to 19).
* [Optimization] Improved frame error handling when using AAC decoder.
* [Optimization] Improved WebVTT renderer.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA 708 closed caption renderer and caption preview.
* [Optimizaion] Improved stability of A/V sync when changing audio streams in live content.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Add] Added new API, NexClosedCaption::setShadowWithColor, to set whether CEA 608 closed captions should be displayed with a colored shadow.
* [Add] Added new class, "NexCodecInformation", to store and provide information about an individual codec.
* Added file.
* [Optimization] Improved stability of property, "HLS_RUNMODE"
* [Optimization] Improved closed caption renderer.
* [Add] Added new API, NexCaptionRendererForWebVTT::setDefaultTextSize(), to set default text size for WebVTT caption text.
* [Add] Added new API, NexCaptionRendererForTimedText::setWindowMargin(), to set a margin around caption text to the edge of the caption window for TimedText.
* [Add] Added new class, "NexCaptionPreview", to preview the look of captions when users set caption styles such as color, size, and edge style effects. * Added file.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue where specific content with DFXP closed captions did not play properly.
* [Optimization] Extended support for all ID3 Tags formats.
* [Add] New functionality added: NexProperty.START_NEARESTBW, to start playing HLS content with the track nearest to a specified bandwidth.
* [Add] Added new API,"setWindowMargin", to set a margin around caption text to the edge of the caption window in WebVTT text tracks.
* [Fix] Fixed WebVTT text track rendering so that captions are displayed in parallel when more than one string frame is displayed at the same time.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue where unnecessary calls were made to unrelated methods when playing captions.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with improper parsing of the HTTP response header.
* [Fix] Fixed AAC channel management when He-AACv2 audio profile is used.
* [Add] Added a new property, NexProperty.WEBVTT_WAITOPEN, to avoid waiting for the first WebVTT segment to download when starting to play content.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Fix] setVolume functionality improved.
* [Optimization] Improved CEA708 rendering.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Optimization] Memory and security warning messages in KitKat OS are removed now.
* [Folder copied] Following folder has been copied from "Sample/NexPlayerSample_for_Android/" to "SDK/" for easier access.
Folder : jni_sample
* [Optimization] Improved HLS/SmoothStreaming track change performance.
* [Add] Added new API, NexPlayer::onHTTPResponse(), to allows responses from an HTTP server to be received and handled in a more customized way.
* [Add] Added new API, NexPlayer::onHTTPRequest(),to pass HTTP request messages to an application.
* [Optimization] Improved VMDRM deinitialization.
* [Optimization] Support added for Smooth Streaming content in non-standard mp4 container.
* [Optimization] Improved fast start feature in HLS.
* [Optimization] Support for ts files that don't include PAT/PMT(in HLS content).
* [Optimization] Improved CEA708 renderer.
* [Optimization] Improved WebVTT text track parser.
* [Optimization] Improved video performances.
* [Files removal] Following files have been removed from the SDK since they are not needed any longer and in order to reduce SDK size (this has no impact in your integration, no actions needed on your side, just remove all the files from the previous SDK as usual).
Please remove the folder "../src/client/ from your project.
* [Add] Added static audio renderer library for KitKat OS.
* [Optimization] Improved buffering performance for mp4 files with 3GPP timed text tracks.
* [Fix] Improved connection algorithm for streaming content.
* [Optimization] Improved video performance.
* [Update] Improved stability of the HW renderer.
* [Add] Conviva/Agama library.
* [Add] Added support for side-loaded TTML subtitles.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v6.71).
* [Update] Improved video performance (v6.69).
* [Add] Added new functionality to extract all ID3 metadata in content, including from customized tags.
Added new property, NexPlayer::NexProperty.TIMED_IDS_META_KEY, to set customized ID3 tag names.
Added new API, NexID3TagInformation::getArrExtraData()
Added new API, NexID3TagInformation::setArrExtraData()
Added new API, NexID3TagText::getExtraDataID()
* [Add] Added new variable, NexContentInformation::mCaptionType to indicate the type of captions in content.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue playing multiple audio-only tracks in multi track content.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with font corruption at UI on specific device and OS ### version.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with memory leaks.
-[Fix] Fixed an issue with audio decoding error when the track is being changed.
* [Fix] Improved WebVTT decoding performance.
* [Fix] Improved Timed Metadata rendering performance.
* [Fix] Improved opacity rendering of 3GPP timed text when changing window and background color.
* [Fix] Improved stability of the audio renderer.
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.PREFER_LANGUAGE to set the language of both audio and text played in multistream content.
* [Add] Added support for offline playback in HLS/Smooth Streaming(when network connection is lost).
* [Fix] Fixed an issue when the DRM callback is registered.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v6.47).
* [Add] Added a parameter in the setVideoBitrates method to set video bitrate selection options for HLS content.
* [Add] Added an API, setSurfaceSecure, to prevent screen recording on devices running KitKat OS.
[NexCaptionRenderer Class]
* [Add] Added an API, setWindowColor, to allow the window color of CEA 608 closed captions to be set.
* [Add] Added an API, setUniform, to indicate whether or not CEA 608 closed captions should be displayed with a uniform black outline.
[NexCaptionRendererForTimedText Class]
* [Add] Added an API, setFGCaptionColor, to set the foreground (text) color of 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setBGCaptionColor, to set the background color of 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setCaptionStroke, to set the renderer stroke color and width of 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setCaptionWindowColor, to set the window color of 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setFontSize, to change the font size of 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setShadow,to display 3GPP/TTML timed text captions with a drop shadow.
* [Add] Added an API, setFonts, to set the fonts to be used for 3GPP/TTML timed text captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setRaise, to indicate whether or not 3GPP/TTML timed text captions should be displayed as if "raised".
* [Add] Added an API, setDepressed, to indicate whether or not 3GPP/TTML timed text captions should be displayed as if "depressed".
* [Add] Added an API, setUniform, to indicate whether or not 3GPP/TTML timed text captions should be displayed with a uniform black outline.
* [Add] Added an API, setEmbossSpecular, to set the specular level of the Emboss Mask filter used when a user sets 3GPP/TTML timed text to be 'Raised' or 'Depressed' in the UI.
* [Add] Added an API, setEmbossBlurRadius, to sets the blur radius of the Emboss Mask filter used when a user sets 3GPP/TTML timed text to be 'Raised' or 'Depressed' in the UI.
[NexCaptionRendererForWebVTT Class]
* [Add] Added an API, setFGCaptionColor, to set the foreground (text) color of WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setBGCaptionColor, to set the background color of WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setCaptionStroke, to set the renderer stroke color and width of WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setCaptionWindowColor, to set the window color of WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setTextSize, to change the font size of WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setShadow, to display WebVTT text cue captions with a drop shadow.
* [Add] Added an API, setFonts, to set the fonts to be used for WebVTT text cue captions.
* [Add] Added an API, setRaise, to indicate whether or not WebVTT text cue captions should be displayed as if "raised".
* [Add] Added an API, setDepressed, to indicate whether or not WebVTT text cue captions should be displayed as if "depressed".
* [Add] Added an API, setUniform, to indicate whether or not WebVTT text cue captions should be displayed with a uniform black outline.
* [Add] Added an API, setEmbossSpecular, to set the specular level of the Emboss Mask filter used when a user sets WebVTT text cues to be 'Raised' or 'Depressed' in the UI.
* [Add] Added an API, setEmbossBlurRadius, to sets the blur radius of the Emboss Mask filter used when a user sets WebVTT text cues to be 'Raised' or 'Depressed' in the UI.
* [Fix] Improved WebVTT text cue caption rendering performance.
* [Fix] Cut down the buffering time when starting streaming content.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v6.0).
* [Fix] Improved how the renderer is loaded.
* [Fix] Improved track change performance when audio or video DSI changes.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v5.88).
* [Fix] Improved how the SW codec library is loaded.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v5.84).
* [Update] Sample app UI updated.
The structure of the sample app has changed in this ### version.
The required .so files are now included in two folders, "libs" and "assets".
Originally, all .so files were included in the "libs" folder and the "assets" folder was empty.
However this new ### version of the Sample code has changed. You can see that both the "assets" and "libs" folders contain .so files.
Please refer to "readme.txt" file for more information.
* [Fix] Added caption display time information & attributes in NexCaptionRenderer, NexCaptionRendererForTimedText, NexCaptionRendererForWebVTT and NexEIA708CaptionView.
* [Add] Added APIs, getM_border_X, setM_border_X, getM_border_Y, and setM_border_Y to set where CEA 608 closed captions will be displayed relative to content.
* [Add] Added APIs, getStartTimeStampForWebVTT and getEndTimeStampForWebVTT to return the starting and ending timestamps of WebVTT text cues.
* [Fix] Improved track change performance * player waits to re-initiate audio renderer if data remains in buffer.
* [Fix] Improved CEA 708 closed caption support * if called Reset, SetPenAttribute, clearing captions, setTextSize, roll-up, SetPenLocation.
* [Fix] Improved WebVTT rendering performance.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v5.28).
* [Add] Added a new API, setVideoBitrates, to play specific subtracks in HLS.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v4.86).
* [Fix] Improved performance of PTS calculation.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v4.80).
* [Add] Added API setDebugLogs to get more detailed logs.
* [Fix] Improved caption support (CEA 708 and support for WebVTT HTML tags)
* [Fix] Improved track down performance to minimize delay.
* [Fix] Improved track change performance while seeking when both Audio and Video DSI change.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v4.12).
* [Update] Optimizations for Android 4.4.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.89).
* [Add] Support for HLS V5.
* [Add] Support for WebVTT.
* [Fix] Improved H264 bitstream parsing.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.86).
* [Fix] Improved B-frame reordering.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with time stamp detection when using multi-channel content or when tracking down.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.82).
* [Fix] Fixed SW video codec structure for AVC.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.74)
* [Update] Further optimizations for Android ### version 4.3
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.68)
* [Update] Optimizations for Android 4.3.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.62).
* [Update] Support for Android Jellybean, ### version 4.3.
* [Fix] Improved track down performance so that all tracks of content may be selected/played.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.51).
* [Fix] Improved the renderer to avoid an issue when attempting to play content and then immediately exiting.
* [Fix] Added exception handling when playing HLS Live streaming.
* [Update] Improved buffering performance for Live links.
* [Fix] Added exception handling when closing NexPlayer.
* [Fix] Added exception handling when drawing logo.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.50).
* [Add] Added for certain devices.
* [Add] Added a descramble callback for AES128 encrypted HLS content: HLSAES128Descramble Callback.
* [Add] Added a new API, setUserCookie, to set user cookies while content is playing.
* [Add] Added support for registering DL functions (dlopen , dlclose, dlsym, dlerror).
* [Add] Added support for gzip in HLS.
* [Update] Improved video performance (v3.42).
* [Optimization] Changed AVC profile from baseline to main/high.
* [Fix] Improved srt subtitle renderer.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with an ANR (Application Not Responding) error occurring in STOP state.
* [Fix] Fixed a decoding error when using specific contents.
* [Fix] Fixed an infinite buffering issue when trying to seek.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with NexPlayer running on Donut or Eclair.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with the OpenGL renderer not working properly with Gingerbread OS.
* [Add] Added a seekbar in the sample application.
* [Fix] Improved playlist parsing.
* [COMMON][Update] Further optimizations for better video performance (v3.31).
* [Fix] An issue with an invalid PTS value.
* [Fix] An issue with an infinite loop in the case of audio-only content.
* [Update] Improved changing between video tracks.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue with NEXPLAYERMPDDescrambleCallbackFunc being called when it was only the Top level index/manifest.
* [Fix] Added track codec type information in the NexTrackInformation class, with the member mCodecType.
* [Fix] An issue with socket connection.
* [Add] Added a check for Listener before opening player.
* [Add] Added API getCurrentPosition() to get current play time position in content.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue crashing in Smooth Streaming captions.
* [Fix] Fixed an issue using 2 channel audio.
* [Update] Updated list of HW-supportable devices.
* [COMMON][Update] Updated list of HW-supportable devices.
[Support] New devices using HW codecs added:
**Alias Model OS**
* Galaxy S4 GT-I9500 JELLYBEAN
[No Support] Use of HW codecs is currently not supportable on these devices:
**Alias Model OS**
* Motorola XOOM MZ601 MZ601 ICECREAM
* Motorola Xoom Xoom ICECREAM
-[Add] Added support for CEA 708 closed captions.
Added Property: NexProperty.ENABLE_CEA708
Added Classes:,,
-[Fix] An issue with captions not clearing in Smooth Streaming content.
-[Add] A new Render mode : Added auto mode, which selects which renderer to use automatically.
-[Fix] An issue with Galaxy S4 crashing.
-[Fix] Improved performance with MP/HP content by improving the way of PTS calculation.
* [Fix] An "invalid file format" message that occurred when playing certain content.
* [Add] Added support for the API, videoOnOff, when using HW renderer.
* [Fix] An issue with a codec error message appearing.
* [Fix] An issue with the value of audioDts being reset to 0 after seeking.
* [Add] Added the new API, getAudioSessionId().
* [Update] Updated list of HW-supportable devices.
[Modify] Modified the model name of Galaxy S2 Skyrocket from SGH-I727 to SAMSUNG-SGH-I727
[Support] New devices using HW codecs added:
**Alias Model OS**
* Nexus 10 Full AOSP on Manta JELLYBEAN
* Galaxy S2 SHW-M250L ICECREAM
* Xperia Z C6603 JELLYBEAN
* SONY Xperia ion LT28h ICECREAM
* Galaxy Tab 7.7 LTE(Verizon) SCH-I815 ICECREAM
* Galaxy S3 mini GT-I8190L JELLYBEAN
* Galaxy beam GT-i8530 GINGERBREAD
* Galaxy Ace2 GT-I8160 GINGERBREAD
* [Fix] An issue with CEA 608 closed captions failing to be displayed when a seek command completed. * mantis 5726
* [Add] Added a new API for H.264 SAR (sample aspect ratio) information (NexPlayer.getSARInfo()).
* [Add] Added a new render mode to support all devices automatically(NexVideoRenderer, IVideoRendererListener).
* AND nexplayer_sample.xml IN /NexPlayerSample_for_Android/ WITH
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.MIN_BW to set the minimum bandwidth to be played in HLS content.
* [Fix] An issue with H/W decoder libraries failing to load with JB devices.
* [Add] Added support for CEA608 closed captions in PD content.
* [Fix] An issue with the local subtitles(SRT, SMI files) being skipped when a seek command completed.
* [Fix] An issue with the proxy server address failing to be set from the NexPlayer.setProperties() API.
* [Add] Added new TimedMeta parameters(Text and Comment) for HLS/IceCast content.
* [Fix] An issue where CEA 608 closed captions were being displayed in a jumble in H264 high profile content.
* [Add] Added a new API NexPlayer.reconnectNetwork().
* [Add] Added a new buffer monitoring API, NexPlayer.getBufferInfo().
* [Note] NexPlayer automatically detects the devices where HD and Main/High H.264 profiles can be supported, so there is no need to indicate any device model to the player.
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.SOURCE_OPEN_TIMEOUT
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.PREFETCH_BUFFER_SIZE
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.MIN_BUFFER_RATE
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.MAX_BUFFER_RATE
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.MIN_BUFFER_DURATION
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.MAX_BUFFER_DURATION
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.SEEK_RANGE_FROM_RA_POINT
* [Add] Added new property NexProperty.ENABLE_MODIFY_HTTP_REQUEST
* [Add] Added a new method in IListener of the JAVA layer in order to enable modified HTTP requests. An application should implement 'onModifyHttpRequest()'.
* [Add] Added support for SEI Picture Timing information in HLS with NexPictureTimingInfo class.
* [Update] HW decoder libraries were renamed( -->
* [Update] This SDK ### version is upgraded but is combined with the features and APIs of the latest SDK ### version
* [Update] Changes between this ### version of the SDK and the last ### version are explained in the included Differences document.
* [Fix] An issue where I-Frames were not found in PIFF DRM content was resolved.
* [Fix] An issue with track jittering (when the track changed in HLS and Smooth Streaming) was resolved.
* [Fix] An issue with tracks not changing during buffering (when starting and seeking in Smooth Streaming content) was resolved.
* [Fix] An issue with green frames appearing during playback with the OpenGLRenderer (when devices running Jelly Bean were rotated) was resolved.