Re-exam 2017-08 for the 2017 instance of the 7.5hec BSc course "Domain-Specific Languages of Mathematics" at Chalmers and GU. Course codes: DAT326 / DIT982
- Problem on the exam:
- P1 [30pts] = Algebraic structure: a DSL for semirings.
- P2 [20pts] = Multiplication for matrices (from the matrix algebra DSL).
- P3 [25pts] = Laplace (f'' t -3rf' t + 4f t = 0, f 0 = 2, f' 0 = 3 r, r = sqrt 2)
- P4 [25pts] = Adequate notation for mathematical concepts and proofs (continuity)
- Exam
- Possible solutions:
Inofficial anonymous result list
Exam check (granskning): Fri. 2017-09-01 in EDIT 5468 at 12.30–12.55.