A website dedicated to collect unused furniture in usable condition, refurbishing them, and selling them, operated in Metro Vancouver.
- Configure IntelliJ to delegate build and run actions to Maven
- Run the application
- Open http://disposell-dev.us-west-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/
- Add a few furniture to carts and checkout using these fake credit card:
- Card number: 4111 1111 1111 1111
- Expiry date in MM/YY format: 12/23
- CVC/CVV: 123
- Login as an admin using these information to view the new order:
- Username: test_admin
- Password: test_admin
- As an admin, assign shipper and schedule delivery for this new order
- Login as a shipper using these information:
- Username: test_shipper
- Password: test_shipper
- Update delivery information for the order, i.e. real-time position for tracking delivery, for Order 1 by clicking on the Google map at the bottom, then click on "Update Tracking" button right below it
- At the same time, open a separate tab as an anonymous user using the same link for Order 1, Google map position would be updated in real-time