What's Changed
- Implemented CICD and corrected detekt, ktlint errors by @Ni3verma in #1
- Create pull_request_template.md by @Ni3verma in #2
- fixed readme,contributing and pull request template files by @Ni3verma in #5
- updated android gradle plugin and few other dependencies by @Ni3verma in #8
- modified pre-commit hook by @Ni3verma in #10
- Create LICENSE by @Ni3verma in #16
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md by @Ni3verma in #15
- Update issue templates by @Ni3verma in #17
- Add new login data of user by @Ni3verma in #11
- Fixed pre commit hook by @Ni3verma in #22
- fixed git command by @Ni3verma in #25
- Displaying all user data in home screen by @Ni3verma in #20
- added support to encrypt empty data as null by @Ni3verma in #29
- Redesigned add new data option UI by @Ni3verma in #30
- modified git templates by @Ni3verma in #31
- Added app icon by @Bhawna-Ad in #37
- Added feature of adding new bank account data by @kunchammahajan in #24
- fixed spacing issue in add new login data screen by @Ni3verma in #39
- added login data screen by @Ni3verma in #36
- Hint functionality for user password by @Bhawna-Ad in #18
- Feature to add new bank card data by @Ni3verma in #40
- Added feature to add secure note by @Ni3verma in #41
- Added Bank account screen by @Ni3verma in #42
- refactored code to use compose by @Ni3verma in #44
- Added bank card info screen by @Ni3verma in #45
- Added secure note info screen by @Ni3verma in #46
- showing all data in All Info screen by @Ni3verma in #48
- Added feature to edit a record by @Ni3verma in #50
- Feature to delete a record on swipe by @Ni3verma in #53
- Refactor code to use single nav host by @Ni3verma in #58
- Automatically creating release apk by @Ni3verma in #60
- enabled R8 for release build by @Ni3verma in #62
- integrated crashlytics by @Ni3verma in #64
- Added password toggle switch by @Ni3verma in #65
- Redesigned login/signup screens by @Ni3verma in #66
- Updated readme and pre commit hook by @Ni3verma in #67
- Not encrypting title by @Ni3verma in #72
- Not updating creation date by @Ni3verma in #74
- Added no history property of activity by @Ni3verma in #75
- changed side drawer and reformatted xml files by @Ni3verma in #76
New Contributors
- @Ni3verma made their first contribution in #1
- @Bhawna-Ad made their first contribution in #37
- @kunchammahajan made their first contribution in #24
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Ni3verma/Safe-Box/commits/v1.0.0