You can use it to upload, download and delete files.
Writes a file to disk and uses it's hash like file name.
/upload/ (via POST method) - using form-data's field 'file' with file-like object. Returns the hash of file.
/download/?file_hash=<file's hash> (via GET method) - gives the file or an error message.
/delete/?file_hash=<file's hash> (via DELETE method) - returns status '200' (and info message) if file successfully deleted. If not, returns error message.
In the main directory, execute 'python [--debug=True]' command in the shell's window
- FastAPI\Starlette
- uvicorn
- Python 3.5.2+
- Linux OS (was tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
- See 'requirements.txt' for more details
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To contact with me: @MaikSturm932 (using Telegram app) or email: