This repo contains a WIP decompilation of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN USA).
More information about the project can be found here:
├── .devcontainer # Files required to use a container as a full-feature dev environment in vscode (optional).
├── .github # Github actions and PR templates for this project.
├── asm # The assembly for unmatched functions.
├── defs # Python modules used by dol2asm.
├── docs # Notes and documentation about this project.
├── include # Header files used by this project.
├── libs # Source code for the libraries based on the symbol map.
├── rel # Source code for the game RELs.
├── src # Source code for the main game.
├── tools # Various tools to support the project.
├── .clang-format # Clang format file.
├── .gitignore # Files/folders to ignore changes to when making commits.
├── Doxyfile # Doxygen configuration file.
├── # License file containing information about CC0-1.0
├── Makefile # Makefile for the project containing various targets.
├── # Markdown file that displays the current progress of the project.
├── # The file you're currently reading.
├── # Bash script to diff two functions using objdump and diff based on their input addresses.
├── # Python script to diff two functions.
├── # Settings for the script.
├── dolzel2.sha1 # SHA1 of the dol.
├── # Makefiles to include in the main Makefile.
├── # Bash script used with objdiff to force it to build with wibo.
├── # Object files to include in the main Makefile.
├── sha1sums.json # JSON file containing SHA1 checksums of the DOL and RELs.
└── tp # Bash script used to call the main tp python script in tools directory.