The project is the implementation of a brick-breaker. It includes a graphical menu interface that lets you play and choose your level. The game interface is standard to the original brick-breaker, with a platform and a ball that can bounce between them to destroy bricks. These bricks can have have several lives and a different configuration depending on the levels.
The project has multiple interfaces. The interfaces are the game interface and interfaces with multiple buttons to choose actions. The game interface has a dock for the player. It is a considered as a rectangle and a movable object. It can be controlled with the arrow keys. The ball (considered also as a movable object) can bounce on it. The bricks are rectangles aligned in a grid. They can have different lives. When the ball bounce on a brick it decrement the lives of this brick and destroy it if it has no more lives. Finally, when a brick is destroyed a bonus appears. There are 3 types of bonuse : obtain an extra life, increase the ball speed and create more balls.
The interfaces with buttons allows the player to choose different actions. Those interfaces are for the menu to choose to play, to quit or to choose a level, the level interface and the pause interface that shows the current score.
To compile the game, the script
can be used. It will used
the file CMakeLists.txt
where all the dependencies are.
At the end of the compilation, the binary is in the folder build
. To
launch the binary, the command ./build/main
is needed.
├── build
|__ └── main
├── include
|__ |__
│ ├── object
│ │__
│ | gui
|__ |__
│ ├── utils
|__ |__
│ ├── bonus
│ │
│ └── gui
├── obj
├── textures
└── src
|── object
| gui
├── utils
├── bonus
└── gui
files are in the src/
folder and headers file .h
are in the
folder. However, subfolders exist to organize the tree. For
example, all classes that inherate the object class are in the sub
folder objects : ball, rectangle, rectangle_brick and dock.
You will use the following coding convention:
- use
for calling constructors instead of()
- initialization list
- use
heightOfStackedBox(int nBoxes, float singleBoxHeight)
instead ofheightOfStackedBox(int, float)
- function of less than two lines should be inline
- as much as possible, use english to name variables or commentaries to be consistent