A collection of various utility functions.
Upon dealing with the incoherent mess of 3D coordinate spaces in ComputerGraphics, Mathematics, Aviation, etc.
Then, learning that "there is no correct coordinate space, they are arbitrary".
This is the coordinate space that I've settled upon using:
These rules are adhered to unless I've overlooked something or the code is old and needs revisited.
Naming follows hierarchal ordering. That being: ThingAttribute.
Example: instead of "NewLength", "LengthNew" is used.
Note: this is the opposite of typical English grammar. -
TitleCase is typically used.
Capitals for the first letter of every word, lowercase for the rest. This includes acronyms.
Exceptions include constants and some other occasions. -
An attempt is made to make the nameing and usage of variable & function names read like a natural language sentence.
Underscores are avoided.
There are exceptions. -
Single-letter & overly-truncated variable/function names are avoided, unless truncation is desired for compact code.
Pos = "Position"
Vel = "Velocity"
Rot = "Rotation"
Rds = "Radius"
Siz = "Size"
Scl = "Scale"
Bds = "Bounds"
Nrm = "Normal"
Dir = "Direction" or "Directory"
Lok = "Look"
The normalized-vector direction something is facing.
Trgt = "Target"
Used for interpolating things like Position, Velocity, Rotation, etc.
Example: Thing.VelTrgt Thing.RotTrgt
Clr = "Color"
Red = "Red"
Grn = "Green"
Blu = "Blue"
Ylw = "Yellow"
Cyn = "Cyan"
Vlt = "Violet"
Dlt = "Delta"
Pch = "Pitch"
Yaw = "Yaw"
Rol = "Roll"
Deg = "Degrees"
Rad = "Radian"
Inv = "Inverse"
Cmp = "Complement"
Rcp = "Reciprocal"
Pnt = "Point"
Lin = "Line"
Cir = "Circle"
Tri = "Triangle"
Rct = "Rectangle"
Vrt = "Vertex"
Edg = "Edge"
Ray = "Ray"
Pln = "Plane"
Sph = "Sphere"
Box = "Right-Angled-Quadrilateral-Hexahedron" :P
- Descriptive indexes are typically used.
FOR iThg = 0 TO Thing.length
FOR iPlyr = 0 TO Player.length
Player[iPlyr].Pos.x = Player[iPlyr].Pos.x + Player[iPlyr].Vel.x
NEXT iPlyr
// In the case that coordinate indexes are used, iX,iY,iZ, iU,iV, etc are used.
FOR iY = 0 TO Thing_SizY
FOR iX = 0 TO Thing_SizX
// And if desitinction is desired, iThgX, iThgY, etc.
FOR iThgY = 0 TO Thing_SizY
FOR iThgX = 0 TO Thing_SizX