XMind API that allows to build .xmind files programmatically
dotnet add package XMindCsharp --version X.Y.Z
var book = new XMindConfiguration()
.WithFileWriter("./output", zip: true)
.CreateWorkBook(workbookName: "test.xmind");
var sheet = book.CreateSheet();
book.AddSheet(sheet, 0); //replaced primary sheet
- Example application could be found at: examples/simple
- See XMindAPI.Tests for more details and examples.
Here is what you can do with it:
Full source code could be found at edu-scope-to-mindmap.
Run following command from the root folder:
dotnet test ./XMindAPI.Tests/
Git Commit Guidelines:
<type>[optional scope]: <description>
[optional body]
[optional footer]
Must be one of the following:
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)
- ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)
- docs: Documentation only changes
- feat: A new feature
- fix: A bug fix
- perf: A code change that improves performance
- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
- style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
- test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
The following is the list of supported scopes:
- project_infrastructure
- readme
- core_functionality
- [TBD]
- https://github.com/xmindltd/xmind/wiki/XMindFileFormat
- https://github.com/xmindltd/xmind/wiki/UsingXmindAPI
- Alexey Nikiforov - Initial work NikiforovAll
This project is licensed under the MIT License