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Azure AvatarBoard Deployment Guide

Welcome to the Azure AvatarBoard Deployment Guide! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of deploying Azure resources, configuring Power Pages, and integrating with Power Automate to set up your AvatarBoard application. By following these step-by-step instructions, you'll ensure a smooth and successful deployment.

Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Required Extensions and Repository Cloning
  3. Deployment Steps
  4. Completion and Verification
  5. Support and Resources


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

Required Extensions and Repository Cloning

1. Install VS Code Extensions

To enhance your development experience, install the following VS Code extensions:

2. Clone the AvatarBoard Repository

Clone the AvatarBoard repository to access deployment scripts and templates:

git clone

Deployment Steps

Step 1: Deploy Azure Resources

1. Open VS Code Terminal

  • Launch VS Code.
  • Open a new terminal window by pressing `Ctrl + Shift + `` or navigating to Terminal > New Terminal.

2. Sign Out of Azure CLI (Optional)

Ensure you're not logged in with unintended credentials:

az logout

3. Sign In to Azure CLI

Log in to your Azure account:

az login

If prompted, complete the authentication in your web browser.

Optional: To specify a tenant ID:

az login --tenant YOUR_TENANT_ID

Replace YOUR_TENANT_ID with your Azure tenant ID, found in Azure Active Directory properties.

4. Verify Resource Provider Registration

Check if the required resource providers are registered:

az provider show --namespace Microsoft.CognitiveServices --query "registrationState"
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Storage --query "registrationState"
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Search --query "registrationState"
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Authorization --query "registrationState"

If any return NotRegistered, proceed to the next step.

5. Register Resource Providers

Register any unregistered resource providers:

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.CognitiveServices --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Storage --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Search --wait
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Authorization --wait

6. Create a Resource Group

Create a new resource group for your deployment:

az group create --location YOUR_REGION --name avatarboardrg

Replace YOUR_REGION with your preferred Azure region (e.g., eastus, westeurope).

View available regions:

az account list-locations --output table

7. Retrieve Your Principal ID

Find your Azure Active Directory object ID:

az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv

8. Deploy Resources Using Bicep Template

Deploy Azure resources with the Bicep template:

az deployment group create \
  --resource-group avatarboardrg \
  --template-file ".\code\template.bicep" \
  --parameters name=avatarboard deploymentPrincipalId=YOUR_PRINCIPAL_ID

Replace YOUR_PRINCIPAL_ID with the objectId from the previous step.

This deployment may take several minutes.

Step 2: Upload Training Data and Configure Azure Cognitive Search

Now that you've deployed the necessary Azure resources, it's time to upload your training data and configure Azure Cognitive Search to index and vectorize this data.

1. Wait for Resource Provisioning

Important: Wait approximately 1 hour after deploying the services to ensure all resources are fully provisioned and connected. This waiting period helps prevent issues that may arise from resources not being fully ready.

2. Upload Training Data to Azure Blob Storage

Access the Storage Account

  1. Sign in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Navigate to your resource group (avatarboardrg).
  3. Locate and open the Storage Account you created during deployment (e.g., avatarboardsa).

Upload Data to Blob Storage

  1. In the Storage Account overview, select Containers under Data storage in the left-hand menu.
  2. Click on Blob Containers.
  3. Open the blob container you created (e.g., avatarboardcontainer).
  4. Click on Upload.
  5. In the upload pane, click Browse.
  6. Select your training data file(s):
    • Own Data: If you have your own training data, select your files.
    • Sample Data: If not, use the sample data provided:
      • Navigate to the solutions folder in your cloned repository.
      • Select sampledata.pdf.
    • Click Upload to upload the file(s) to the blob container.

3. Configure Azure Cognitive Search (AI Search)

Now, you will set up Azure Cognitive Search to index and vectorize your uploaded data.

Access Azure Cognitive Search

  1. In the Azure Portal, navigate back to your resource group.
  2. Locate and open your Azure Cognitive Search service (e.g., avatarboardsearch).

Import and Vectorize Data

  1. In the Cognitive Search service, click on Import data under Get started or Data sources in the left-hand menu.

  2. On the Add data source page:

    • Data source type: Select Azure Blob Storage.
    • Connection string name: Choose your storage account connection string.
    • Container name: Select your blob container (e.g., avatarboardcontainer).
    • Data source name: Enter a name for your data source (e.g., avatarboard-datasource).
    • Deletion detection: Check Enable deletion detection and set Deletion detection mechanism to Soft delete.
    • Click Next: Add cognitive skills >.

Vectorize Your Text

  1. On the Enrich (Add cognitive skills) page:
    • Scroll down to Vectorization:
      • Vectorize content: Enable vectorization of your text data.
      • Model deployment: Select the model deployment you created (e.g., avatarboard-model).
      • Authentication type: Choose API Key.
      • Note: If you haven't deployed a model or are unsure, refer to the Vector Search documentation for guidance on deploying models.
    • Click Next: Customize target index >.

Configure the Index

  1. On the Customize target index page:
    • Review the index schema and make adjustments if necessary.
    • Click Next: Configure indexer >.

Configure Indexing Schedule

  1. On the Configure indexer page:
    • Indexing schedule: Set the indexing schedule to Daily or adjust according to your needs.
    • Start time: Optionally set a specific start time.
    • Field mappings: Review and adjust if necessary.
    • Click Next: Review >.

Review and Create the Index

  1. On the Review and finish page:
    • Indexer name: Enter a name (e.g., avatarboard-indexer). Note this name; you'll need it later.
    • Review all the settings to ensure they are correct.
    • Data source name: Verify.
    • Skillset name: Verify.
    • Index name: Verify.
    • Indexer name: Verify.
    • Click Submit to start the indexing process.

Step 3: Power Pages Site Setup

1. Access Power Pages

Go to

Sign in with the same credentials used for Azure.

2. Import the AvatarBoard Solution

Download the Solution File

Obtain from the repository's solutions directory.

Import the Solution

  1. In Power Pages, navigate to Solutions on the left menu.
  2. Click Import at the top.
  3. Upload
  4. Follow the prompts to complete the import.

Step 3: Set Up Cloud Flows in Power Automate

Access Power Automate

From the app launcher (waffle icon) in Power Pages, select Power Automate or go directly to

Locate and Edit the GetSecrets Flow

  1. Under Solutions, find the AvatarBoard solution.
  2. Open the GetSecrets flow.
  3. Click Edit.

Configure Azure Key Vault Connection

  1. In the flow editor, find the Azure Key Vault action.
  2. Click on ... (ellipsis) and select Add new connection.
  3. Set up the connection:
    • Authentication Type: Default Azure AD application
    • Vault Name: Your Key Vault name (e.g., avatarboardkv)
  4. Click Create.

Save and Turn On the Flow

  • Click Save.
  • Toggle the flow to On if it's not already active.

Step 4: Reactivate and Configure the Power Pages Site

Reactivate the Site

  1. In Power Pages, navigate to Apps > Portal Management.
  2. Under Inactive Sites, find the AvatarBoard site.
  3. Click Reactivate.

Set Site Details

  • Name: Enter a unique name.
  • URL: Provide a unique web address.
  • Language and Time Zone: Set as appropriate.
  • Click Reactivate.

Step 5: Integrate Custom Code

Edit the Home Page Code

  1. In Power Pages, go to Apps > AvatarBoard site.
  2. Click Edit to open the design studio.
  3. Navigate to Pages > Home.
  4. Click Edit code.

Modify Home.en-US.customjs.js

Replace placeholders with actual values:

var _url = var _url = "https://<<REPLACE_WITH_PP_LINK>><<REPLACE_WITH_PA_ID>>";
var azureCogSearchIndexNamesecret = "<<REPLACE_WITH_AIS_INDEX>>";
  • <<REPLACE_WITH_PP_LINK>>: Your site's URL (e.g., avatar-board).
  • <<REPLACE_WITH_PA_ID>>: The ID of the GetSecrets flow. Find it in the flow's URL: https://.../flows/PA_ID/details
  • <<REPLACE_WITH_AIS_INDEX>>: The name of your Azure Cognitive Search index.

Save and Sync Changes

  1. Click Save in the code editor.
  2. Return to the main design studio.
  3. Click Sync to apply changes.

Preview the Site

Click Browse or Preview to test your site.

Completion and Verification

  • Test Functionality: Ensure all features work as expected.
  • Check Azure Resources: Monitor your Azure resources for any issues.
  • Validate Power Automate Flows: Confirm flows run successfully.
  • Troubleshoot if Needed:
    • Verify all configurations.
    • Ensure all IDs and URLs are correct.
    • Consult logs for errors.

Support and Resources

For assistance, consider the following resources:

Thank you for following this guide to deploy the Azure AvatarBoard. Your feedback is appreciated as we strive to improve our documentation. If you have any suggestions or encounter issues, please open an issue in the repository.

Happy deploying! 🚀


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