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Data Model

David Carver edited this page Nov 23, 2016 · 8 revisions

Here is a rough data model that can be used by the templates for the squads.

The data model is based on the XWSSpec. This is exposed to freemarker templates as the variable xwsspec. Please see the freemarker manual for more information on using the template language and building templates that can be used with XStreamer.

XWS Root

  version - String
  name - String - Squad name
  points - Integer - Total Points for the Squad
  faction - String - Faction Name
  description - String - Description for the squadron
  pilots - List<Pilot> - An List of Pilot objects, this makes up the squad.


  *hull - Integer - Remaining Hull value for the ship.
  *shields - Integer - Remaining Shields value for the ship
  points - Integer - Point value for the ship including all upgrades
  name - String - pilot name
  *pilotId - String - Unique pilot identifier - useful for assigning values to generics
  *pilotSkill - String - Skill level for the pilot.
  ship - String - i.e. X-Wing, Tie Bomber, etc.
  upgrades - Upgrades - contains the upgrades assigned to the pilot

Items marked with an * are additional items unique to XStreamer and not part of the official XWS Spec.


 additionalProperties - Map<String, List<String> - A key value pair of upgrade types and values. 


Simple example of generating pilot information from a squad:

<#list xwsspec.pilots as pilot>
<div class="squad">
  <b class="pilot">${} (${pilot.points})</b><br/>
  <b class="shields">${(pilot.shields)!"0"}</b> <image style="vertical-align: middle;" height="30" width="30" src="images/Token_Shield.png"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  <b class="hull">${(pilot.hull)!"0"}</b><image style="vertical-align: middle;" height="30" width="30"src="images/Token_Hull.png"/>

Ship Data

The ship data is exposed as allships variable. It is a List of Ship objects, that contain the actual data for a particular ship. This contains additional information beyond what is exposed in the XWSSpec.


   actions - List<String> - a list of actions supported by the ship.
   hull - Integer - hull value for the ship
   shields - Integer - shield value for the ship.
   agility - Integer - base agility value
   attack - Integer - base attack value
   faction - List<String> - a list of factions this ship belongs too.
   maneuvers - List<List<Integer>> - a matrix of ship maneuvers
   size - String - whether it is small, large, or huge.
   xws - the name that xws has this, you can use this to cross reference from the the xwsspec variable.
   energy - Integer - base energy value.  Only valid for Huge ships.
   epicpoints - Integer - how many epic points is the ship.
   maneuversEnergy - List<List<Integer>> - matrix outlining the amount of energy recovered.
   additionalProperties - Map<String, List<String>> - additional properties not covered above like crew, upgrades, etc.


To Do!

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