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Contribution: Getting Started

Nishant1500 edited this page Feb 1, 2022 · 2 revisions

Get Started To Help Us : )

Great! The details below will help you get the project up and running locally on your computer so you can make changes and push them up to our repository.

Get It Up Running

Whether you want to help build the original, or use it for educational purpose, you need to get a copy working on your computer. The steps below will get you there. It's a little bit of an involved process, but it doesn't take too long, and you only have to do it once. : )

Mac or Linux
  1. Open the Terminal application.

  2. Make sure the command-line tool Git is installed by entering which git into Terminal. If the command returns a filepath, you're all set. (If Git is not installed, install it.)

  1. Open the command prompt (click the start button, open the command prompt by typing cmd in the "search programs and files" box, and hitting enter.

  2. Make sure the command-line tool Git is installed by entering git --version at the command prompt. If the command returns a version number, you're all set. (If Git is not installed, Install Git for Windows).

Copy the code to your computer.

  1. Navigate to the folder you'd like to copy the code to by using the cd command.

  2. Clone the repository (i.e. copy the code) from where it's hosted online. Do this by entering $ git clone at the command line. This will create a folder named bee-launcher that contains the code.

  3. Open the folder you just downloaded and start modifying the code with your favorite text editor. (I use Visual Studio Code.)

Installing dependencies

> npm install


> npm I
Start The Application By Using The Following
> npm start