It is an open source accessibility tool created for better usability and interactivity with you computer system using just voice commands. It is a two way communicating virtual assistant developed in python. It is currently under development.
Cosmos is a voice commanding assistant service in Python 3.5+ It can recognize human speech, talk to user and execute basic commands.
- Can Work in both Windows and Mac
- Do basic calculations (e.g 'Activate advance search mode')
- Read E-Books (e.g 'read book')
- Can tell price of any cryptocurrency (e.g 'tell me the price of Bitcoin')
- Send Message on WHATSAPP (e.g 'send message on whatsapp')
- Tells a joke (e.g 'tell me a joke')
- Take screenshot (e.g 'take screenshot')
- Switch the Window (e.g 'switch the window')
- Increase/decrease the speakers master volume (also can set mute speakers volume) ** (e.g 'volume up!')
- Performs coin toss (e.g 'flip the coin')
- Roll a DICE (e.g 'Roll a dice')
- Open a browser (e.g 'open chrome')
- Open Youtube Homepage (e.g 'open youtube')
- Opens applications (calculator, notepad, chrome,safari) (e.g 'open notepad')
- Search about anything, by searching on the internet (e.g 'search in google')
- Tells the weather for our place (e.g ' weather ')
- Tells the current time and/or date (e.g 'tell me the time or the date')
- Tells the internet speed (uploading and downloading) (e.g 'internet speed')
- Tells the daily news (e.g 'tell me news')
- Performs shutting/restarting/sleeping of your PC (e.g 'shut down the system')
- Opens websites for online courses (e.g 'online courses')
- JOB Recommendation (e.g 'find me a job')
- Opens movie ticket booking or train/airplane/bus ticket booking website (e.g 'movie ticket booking')
- Search in youtube/google (e.g 'open in google/youtube')
- Tells the current location (e.g 'tell me my location')
- Sends E-mail (e.g 'email')
- Tells about anything (e.g 'tell me about')
- Tells about battery (e.g 'How much power is left')
Python 3.7
- You should install python version 3.7
- import all modules required for the project using this command
pip install <module name>
To execute this project elsewhere, you would need all the additional modules and dependencies used in the project. Therefore, install "requirement.txt" file by giving a command - "$ pip install -r requirement.txt" (without quotes) to install all the required dependencies.
COSMOS Assistant uses third party APIs for cryptocurrency,advance mode search, weather forecasting etc. All the following APIs have free no-commercial API calls. Subscribe to the following APIs in order to take FREE access KEYs.
- OpenWeatherMap: API for weather forecast.
- coinmarketcap:API for Cryptocurrency
- WolframAlpha: API for WOLFRAMALPHA.
- Newsapi: API for News.
Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the COSMOS-VIRTUAL ASSISTANT. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!
- Clone the repository
$git clone
- Check the status of your file
$git status
3.For using VScode for editing your files
$git code .
- To directly add your files to github
$git add .
- After writing your code commit your changes
$git commit -m <message>
- To pull your code to reposoitory
$git push origin master
Thats all about installation and version control with Git