OIBSIP There are three task ,which are of 1.IRIS FLOWER PREDICTIONS 2.FAKE EMAIL DETECTION 3.SALES PREDICTIONS 1.IRIS FLOWER PREDICTIONS As you can see the image there are types in the flower Refer codes and dataset for better understandings So called iris setosa,iris versicolor,iris virginica There are deferred by there sizes As you can view above pic and understand Refer codes and dataset for better understandings 2.FAKE EMAIL DETECTION The fake email are detect over the model called SVM The model is trained such way the words are converted into the binary or numerical form which use to fit inside the model Refer codes and dataset 3.SALES PREDICTIONS Similar to the email once but here we are using different model so called LinearRegression Output is display via graphs for better understandings Refer codes and dataset for better understandings The codes are in subfiles including the dataset View requiredments for the pips