- Re-create a simple web-based instagram clone.
- Html
- Mysql
- Javascript
Create Registration page,Update detail page,and Forget password page(required to create validation functions on input as well as create function to strip html tags and prevent sql injection)
Passwords should be hashed
Be able to upload images with a webcam or from directory(Required to create validation functions to check format and size restrictions)
Be able to place stickers after images are uploaded
Pagination for public gallery of images should be viewable(Only registered users are able to like and comment on pictures)
- Install XAMPP : https://www.apachefriends.org/download.html
- Navigate to location
- Change the properties of
sudo chmod 777 htdocs
- Clone repo inside
- Navigate to
to check MYSQL database details are correct.(Make sure username and password match XAMPP details)
$DB_DSN = 'mysql:host=localhost';
$DB_USER ='root';
$DB_NAME = "camagru_database";
- Change the properties of
sudo chmod 777 upload_save_img/
- Install sendemail
sudo apt-get install sendmail
- Lauch XAMPP
- for 32bits system
sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux.run
- for 64bit system
sudo /opt/lampp/manager-linux-x64.run
- Open the 'Manage Servers' and start both 'MYSQL Database' and 'Apache Webserver' servers.
N.B for the Apache webserver in 'Configure' make sure you on 8080 port.
- To setup database and tables enter into the browser :
, you should see the following:
- In the browser enter
. You should see the following:
- To view changes in the database enter in the browser :
, selectcamagru_database