##Acknowledgements NoLifeStory uses the following libraries C++ standard library WinAPI SFML zlib GLEW Bass AES by Chris Lomont with modifications by Retep998 Otherwise, all code in this version of NLS was written by Retep998
Thanks goes to the following people for their contributions to previous versions of NoLifeStory as well as other wz libraries and other stuff. Joe Witterschlenbagen (Calc0000) Erwin Oegema (Diamondo25) David (Jvlaple) Andy Turner (Inumedia) Cedric Van Goethem (Csharp) Martyn Cleroux (IWannaWin) Anthony Wolfe Vaughn (anthonywolfe) Nate Bender Mika Attila (SolvedSnake) Snow jonyleeson haha01haha01 HaHa Koolk Spudgy AngelSL LazyBui