Create an SGX-capable VM in Azure: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, dc2s_v3
Note that you require an Azure account to provision the resources. One can use either the Azure web portal, or the Azure client from the command line.
Note that to perform any actions, you need to be logged in. On the web portal, follow the instructions there. With Azure client, you need to perform
az login
and follow the instructions accordingly.Make sure you obtain store the necessary login information for the VM (e.g., ssh keys).
ssh into the VM
The following scripts configure dependencies and install openenclave. They are copied from the original openenclave repo instructions (https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/blob/v0.9.x/docs/GettingStartedDocs/install_oe_sdk-Ubuntu_18.04.md) and modified to match 20.04.
chmod +x install_vm_dependencies.sh
The SGX platform software is not needed, because the above VM comes with it installed.
Note the above script adds the user praas
to docker group. If you have a different username, please modify the script to match it.
- edit .bashrc to add the environment variables to be enabled at login
. /opt/openenclave/share/openenclave/openenclaverc
- Install the necessary python packages for running the client.
cd praas_c_client/
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
- Create the datasets to be tested (detailed explanations in praas_c_client/inputs/README.md).
This may take a while. However, it only needs to be done once.
cd praas_c_client/inputs
cd ../..
- Then compile the enclaves and the server via:
cd praas_c_server/
make enclaves
make server
make run
cd ..
- Then use the example scripts that will trigger various enclaves. For more information, please check the comments in the scripts.
The client will also verify the proof (i.e., quote verification as well as the signature on the enclave output).
cd praas_c_client
./run_example_static.sh enclave_sampling inputs/hashes_1m.txt
./run_example_dynamic.sh enclave_statistics 20 10000
cd ..
- For evaluation automation, please refer to the praas_c_client/eval/README.md.