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Displaying step parameters in report

Alexandr D edited this page Oct 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Displaying step parameters in report

You can add parameters to a specific step using the RunStep method and some methods from Verify class.
Simply add the variables you want to display as step pameters as last arguments of the method.



[TestCase("login1", "password1")]
public void LoginToApp(string login, string password)
        AllureLifecycle.Instance.RunStep("This is parametrized step", () => 
          // some code here
      }, login, password);


[TestCase("login1", "password1")]
public void LoginToApp(string login, string password)
        AllureLifecycle.Instance.Verify.That("This is parametrized step", 5, Is.GreaterThan(2), login, password);


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