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Ansible Custom Module ansible charts python license

write_charts ansible custom module

Description : ℹ️

write_charts is a custom module for ansible that generate charts in image format on the ansible control node.

Purpose : 👀

The purpose of this project is to use ansible's control node to generate charts in image format. To do this, some of the functions of the Python Plotly library are used.
This module is very basic and uses only a few functions in comparison with the vast number of possibilities offered by the Plotly library.

It is currently possible to generate charts of this type:

  • line
  • bar
  • pie
  • donut

In images of these formats:

  • png
  • jpeg
  • webp
  • svg
  • pdf
  • eps

Repo files: 📂

├── /library                
│   └──     ##<-- python custom module

Requirements : ✔️

First of all, in order to use this module you MUST have installed the necessary library on your control node and/or in your environment.
Precisely this module uses plotly 5.22.0

Python lib:

  • Plotly
  • Kaleido

Depending on the libraries already present, you may also need:

  • Tenacity
  • Packaging

You can install these libraries directly from pip
If you have no way of modifying your control node or environment, you can install the libraries by the pip module directly via the playbook that will use this module.


  - name: Install plotly
    become: false
      name: plotly=5.22.0
    delegate_to: localhost

You can also install the libraries via .whl files

  - name: Install plotly
    become: false
      name: /tmp/plotly-5.22.0-py3-none-any.whl
    delegate_to: localhost

Parameters : 📋

Parameter Type Required Sample Comment
type string true "line" The chart type. Choice: line - bar - pie - donut
titlechart string false "sample title" The chart title.
imgwidth int false 1920 The image file width.
imgheight int false 1080 The image file height.
format string false "png" The image file format. Choice: png - jpeg - webp - svg - pdf - eps
path string true "/tmp/output" The path where the image file should be saved.
filename string true "sample_name" The name of the image file
xaxis list line/bar ['00:00','02:00','04:00'] The X axis data.
xaxisname string line/bar "Time" The X axis title name.
yaxis list line/bar [20,20,30] The Y axis data.
yaxisname list line/bar ["cpu","memory"] The Y axis title name.
yaxiscolor list line/bar ["#1500ff","#ff00b7"] The Y axis color.
shape_line string line "spline" The chart shape line. Choice: spline - linear
fontsize int false 18 The text font size.
fontcolor string false "#000000" The text font color.
titlelegend string false "sample legend" The legend title.
slicedata list pie/donut [20, 80] The pie/donut chart data.
slicelabel list pie/donut ['sys','dba'] The pie/donut chart labels.
slicecolor list pie/donut ["#1500ff","#ff00b7"] The pie/donut chart color.
sizehole float donut .5 The size of the hole in the centre of the donut chart

Attributes : 📋

Attribute Support Description
check_mode full Can run in check_mode and return changed status prediction without modifying target.


  • Some theoretical examples can be found in file

  • Below are two more practical examples of how to transform data into charts.

swap-chart This portion of code converts the data collected yesterday by sar on the swap usage of a linux host into the bar chart above.

    LCTIME: "LC_TIME=en_UK.utf8"
    DAY: "yesterday"
    EGREP: "Linux|RESTART|%|Average|^$"

  - name: Create directory on localhost
    become: false
      path: /tmp/chart_collection
      state: directory
    delegate_to: localhost

  - name: collect swap sar output
    shell: "{{LCTIME}} sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$(date +%d -d '{{DAY}}') -S | egrep -v '{{EGREP}}' | awk '{print $1,$4,$6}'"
    register: sarcmd

  - name: set bar axis data
      xdata: "{{ xdata|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[0]] }}"
      y1data: "{{ y1data|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[1] | float]}}"
      y2data: "{{ y2data|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[2] | float]}}"
      - "{{ sarcmd.stdout_lines}}"

  - name: run bar chart
    become: false
      titlechart: "Swap Summary"
      type: bar
      xaxis: '{{xdata}}'
      xaxisname: Time
      - '{{y1data}}'
      - '{{y2data}}'
      - "%swpused"
      - "%swpcad"
      - "#1500ff"
      - "#ff00b7"
      imgwidth: 1920
      imgheight: 1080
      format: png
      path: /tmp/chart_collection
      filename: "swap_barchart"
    delegate_to: localhost


This portion of code converts the data collected yesterday by sar on the load average of a linux host into the line chart above.

    LCTIME: "LC_TIME=en_UK.utf8"
    DAY: "yesterday"
    EGREP: "Linux|RESTART|ldavg|Average|^$"

  - name: Create directory on localhost
    become: false
      path: /tmp/chart_collection
      state: directory
    delegate_to: localhost

  - name: collect ldavg sar output
    shell: "{{LCTIME}} sar -f /var/log/sa/sa$(date +%d -d '{{DAY}}') -q | egrep -v '{{EGREP}}' | awk '{print $1,$4,$5,$6}'"
    register: sarcmd

  - name: set line axis data
      xdata: "{{ xdata|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[0]] }}"
      y1data: "{{ y1data|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[1] | float]}}"
      y2data: "{{ y2data|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[2] | float]}}"
      y3data: "{{ y3data|default([]) + [item.split(' ')[3] | float]}}"
      - "{{ sarcmd.stdout_lines}}"

  - name: run line chart
    become: false
      titlechart: "Load Average Summary"
      type: line
      xaxis: '{{xdata}}'
      xaxisname: Time
      - '{{y1data}}'
      - '{{y2data}}'
      - '{{y3data}}'
      - "ldavg-1"
      - "ldavg-5"
      - "ldavg-15"
      - "#1500ff"
      - "#ff00b7"
      - "#f007c9"
      titlelegend: "ldavg Legend"
      shape_line: "spline"
      imgwidth: 1920
      imgheight: 1080
      format: png
      path: /tmp/chart_collection
      filename: "ldavg_linechart"
    delegate_to: localhost

Return :

  • This module return 'changed': True
Key Type Sample
changed boolean True


  1. Assuming you are in the root folder of your ansible project.

Specify a module path in your ansible configuration file.

$ vim ansible.cfg
library = ./library

Create the directory and copy the python modules into that directory

$ mkdir library
$ cp path/to/module library
  1. If you use Ansible AWX and have no way to edit the control node, you can add the /library directory to the same directory as the playbook .yml file
├── root repository
│   ├── playbooks
│   │    ├── /library                
│   │    │   └──        ##<-- python custom module
│   │    └── your_playbook.yml          ##<-- you playbook