A (very simple) Go library for posting messages to incoming webhooks in Microsoft Teams.
For details about card formatting, see the MessageCard reference. (even though it's described as 'legacy', that is actually the only format that the webhooks support) Note that not everything on that page is currently supported.
package main
import "github.com/NoteToScreen/teams-go/teams"
func main() {
url := "<insert webhook URL here>"
card := teams.Card{
Summary: "This is a test.",
ThemeColor: "0000FF",
Title: "Test",
Sections: []teams.Section{
ActivityTitle: "Important section",
Text: "This is a description of the section.",
Facts: []teams.Fact{
Name: "Is this a section?",
Value: "Yes",
Name: "Contains text",
Value: "Also yes",
err := teams.PostToWebhook(url, card)
if err != nil {