Contains Jupyter Notebooks showcasing the ConSav package.
The main tool in the ConSav package is the ModelClass class with predefined methods for e.g. saving and loading. The main selling point is that it provides an easy interface to calling Python functions jit compilled with Numba, and C++ functions. Each concrete model inherits these methods and then adds methods for e.g. solving and simulating.
The main folders are:
- 01. BufferStockModel/ Example with canonical buffer-stock model.
- 02. DurableConsumptionModel/ Example with the solution method proposed in A Guide to Solve Non-Convex Consumption-Saving Models, Druedahl, 2021, Computational Economics.
- 03. G2EGM/ Python version of the G2EGM algorithm from A General Endogenous Grid Method for Multi-Dimensional Models with Non-Convexities and Constraints, Druedahl and Jørgensen, 2017, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 74 (MATLAB version).
- 04. Tools/ Showcases the various tools.
The repository EconModelNotebooks contains a number of examples on using the underlying model class.
To get started:
- Install the EconModel package:
pip install EconModel
- Install the ConSav package:
pip install ConSav
- Clone or download this repository
- Open your notebook of choice
If you are new to Python then try out this online course, Introduction to programming and numerical analysis.