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File metadata and controls

359 lines (220 loc) · 20.3 KB

This document has been deprecated.

All changes are now being documented via Releases page on GitHub.

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.


  • Most of test arg file values are now optional. This is to make it more user friendly for OSS community. Example of valid yet runnable test arg file is:
    "jobId": "jobId",
    "entries": [
            "testsToRun": ["all"],
            "testDestination": {"deviceType": "iPhone X", "runtime": "11.3"},
            "testType": "uiTest",
            "buildArtifacts": {
                "appBundle": "",
                "runner": "",
                "xcTestBundle": ""
  • Emcee now vaidates test arg file for common errors on launch before submitting job to a shared queue ("fail fast" techique):

    • If xcodebuild is selected with private simulators, Emcee will fail immediately.
    • If any build artifact is missing, Emcee will fail immediately.

Examples of such failures:

Test arg file has the following errors:
Test arg file entry at index 0 has configuration error: xcodebuild is not compatible with provided simulator location (insideEmceeTempFolder). Use insideUserLibrary instead.
Test arg file entry at index 1 has configuration error: Test type appTest requires appBundle to be provided
  • New test arg file syntax for enumerating tests to be run:

    • "testsToRun": ["all"] is shorter eqivalent of "testsToRun": [{"predicateType": "allDiscoveredTests"}]
    • "testsToRun": ["Class/test"] is shorter eqivalent of "testsToRun": [{"predicateType": "singleTestName", "testName": "Class/test"}]


  • QueueServerRunConfiguration and everything related to it has been renamed to QueueServerConfiguration, including CLI argument --queue-server-run-configuration which was renamed to --queue-server-configuration.

  • --queue-server-destination argument was removed from runTestsOnRemoteQueue command. Queue server deployment destination is now provided via QueueServerConfiguration.queueServerDeploymentDestination.


New kickstart command allows to (re-)start a given worker in case if it went south. Syntax:

$ Emcee kickstart --queue-server <queue address:port> --worker-id <worker id> --worker-id <another worker id>


Test arg file entries now require workerCapabilityRequirements field to be present.


  • Emcee now includes its version in all reported metrics. The first reserved field is replaced with a version.

  • dump command now requires to provide --emcee-version value.


  • Worker sharing feature is enabled by default. It allows to upgrade Emcee queue and share workers, without overloading them by jobs from multiple queues.


Emcee now patches some Simulator plist files right before executing tests. This allows to properly switch language and set other parameters, like keyboard and watchdog settings, without relying on fbxctest functionality, allowing to achieve the same Simulator environment while using xcodebuild as a test runner. Emcee will kill SpringBoard and cfprefsd if any plist changes in order to apply new Simulator settings, and will keep them running of Simulator settings do not change. Killing daemons to apply settings is a little faster than creating and booting a new Simulator instance.


  • Package.swift file is now generated. All import statements are parsed to do that. On CI, the check has been added to verify that Package.swift is commited correctly. New make gen command will generate both Package.swift and Xcode project. Test helper targets are detected by TestHelper suffix in their names. These targets are kept as normal ones (not .testTarget()).

  • New command disableWorker --queue-server host:1234 --worker-id allows to disable worker from load. Queue will not provide any buckets for execution to disabled worker. Useful for performing some maintenance and etc. Enabling worker feature is TBD.


A new test discovery mode runtimeExecutableLaunch is added. The new test discovery mode is similar to runtimeLogicTest but instead of loading your xctest bundle in the xctest process of a simulator, it uses your app executable to load the xctest bundle and perform a dump. Such discovery mode is useful for xctest bundles that rely on bundle_loader symbols to be present in the runtime and thus cannot be loaded in an improper executable. To implement the new discovery mode you should check for the presence of the EMCEE_RUNTIME_TESTS_EXPORT_PATH environment variable in the main function of your app. In case it is present you should perform a Bundle.load() on the bundle specified by the EMCEE_XCTEST_BUNDLE_PATH. After the xctest bundle is loaded you should search for your tests and output them to the EMCEE_RUNTIME_TESTS_EXPORT_PATH.


Test arg file now allows you to specify where simulators should be created. simulatorControlTool field has been updated to include new spec. Example:

    "simulatorControlTool": {
        "location": "insideEmceeTempFolder",
        "tool": {
            "toolType": "fbsimctl", "location": ""

Previously Emcee always used its temporary folder as a place for simulators (matches "location": "insideEmceeTempFolder"). Now you can pass "location": "insideUserLibrary" instead. This setting will make Emcee create simulators inside default location allowing Xcode, xcodebuild and simctl to discover them.


Test discovery now allows to discover tests by parsing and demangling output of nm against xctest bundle. This speeds up test discovery, but less flexible and more error prone. This might be useful for unit test bundles for example. Emcee may discover unrelated test names in this case, as well as miss some, e.g. ones generated during runtime, so use carefully. Runtime dump integration is not required for this test discovery mode. To use it, pass parseFunctionSymbols value to testDiscoveryMode field of xctestBundle object in build artifacts in test arg file.


Runtime dump feature has been renamed to test discovery. RuntimeDump module is now called TestDiscovery. APIs have been renamed as well. xctestBundle object in build artifacts now has testDiscoveryMode field instead of runtimeDumpMode, and the supported values are runtimeLogicTest and runtimeAppTest. testsToRun value for running all available tests has been renamed from allProvidedByRuntimeDump to allDiscoveredTests.


Support for grouping jobs. runTestsOnRemoteQueue command now supports optional --job-group-id and --job-group-priority flags. When provided, Emcee will arrange test queue with respect to groups and priorities, like it does so for jobs which also have priorities. Jobs will be arranged inside their groups. If these arguments are missing, a random group will be created, and priority defined in test arg file will be used for that group. This feature is useful for combining multiple jobs into a single logical group, e.g. if you run different jobs on a single pull request. This will provide a hint to Emcee to execute tests from that group as continuosly as possible, speeding up the whole test run from that group. If group is empty, Emcee will swift to jobs from other groups to utilize the resources.


Workers no longer issue reportAlive requests to a queue. Queue now polls its workers instead and tracks their aliveness using REST.


  • New Graphite metric allows you to track durations of simulator operations like creating, booting, shutting down, and deleting.


  • Emcee now allows you to control automatic simulator deletion by setting simulatorOperationTimeouts.automaticSimulatorDelete in test arg file to a positive value in seconds. Deletion happens only after simulator is shut down, e.g. automatically. When it is needed again, it will be recreated and booted. Deleting simulators allows to free up disk space. Example:
    "simulatorOperationTimeouts": {
        "create": 30,
        "boot": 180,
        "shutdown": 20,
        "delete": 20,
        "automaticSimulatorShutdown": 600,
        "automaticSimulatorDelete": 600

Confguration above defines the following behaviour:

  • When simulator becomes and stays idle, shut it down after 600 seconds.
  • If simulator still unused after 600 seconds after shutting it down, delete it.


  • toolResources field in test arg file has gone. Inline simulatorControlTool and testRunnerTool values in test arg file instead of wrapping them in toolResources.

  • Test arg file now required to pass simulatorOperationTimeouts field. This allows to set time out operations for various simulator operations like boot, create, delete and shutdown. Previously, Emcee has had a hardcoded values for these operations. Previously hard coded values are:

    "simulatorOperationTimeouts": {
        "create": 30,
        "boot": 180,
        "shutdown": 20,
        "delete": 20,
        "automaticSimulatorShutdown": 3600
  • Emcee now allows you to control automatic simulator shutdown by setting simulatorOperationTimeouts.automaticSimulatorShutdown in test arg file to a positive value in seconds after which simulator will be shut down if it stays idle. When it is needed again, it will be booted. Shutting down simulators allows to free up some RAM and reduce swap size.


  • ToolchainConfiguration object and toolchainConfiguration field have been removed from test arg file, because this object contained only developerDir value. You must provide a value via developerDir field in test arg file instead.


  • Added remote cache support for runtime dump action. Provide --remote-cache-config argument with JSON config for remote cache to use it. Next time runtime dump action will be executed Emcee will try to obtain cached version of runtime dump results from remote cache storage. See Wiki for more details.


  • Fixed a bug: when Emcee fails to execute a test because of underlying error (e.g. failed to fetch a file, failed to boot simulator), worker wouldn't send back a test failure result. This would result to an infinitely processing buckets on worker. Now it will report back a test failure.

  • Changed the way Emcee manages plugins. They now start right before Runner is about to start tests, and stopped after that. Plugins are started on the workers only.

  • plugins key is now removed from Queue Server Run Configuration

  • testArgFile entries now expect to have plugins key.


  • Fixed a bug when Emcee would fail to fetch contents of URL if server returns an error (e.g. 404 status). All sequential attempts to fetch the contents of the URL would result to dead lock. Now Emcee correctly handles this.


  • Simulator settings now provided as JSON inside test arg file instead of URLs to JSON inside ZIP archive. See SimulatorSetttings, SimulatorLocalizationSettings and WatchdogSettings for format description.


  • auxiliaryResources key has been removed from queue server run configuration JSON file because only plugin URLs are required in order to start up the queue.

  • plugins key must now be present in queue server run configuration. This is an array of URLs to ZIP files with emceeplugin bundles.


  • Emcee starts workers differently now. Instead of deploying itself to all worker machines and then performing worker start, it now deploys and starts the worker immediately after that.

  • Instead of using fixed 4 threads to deploy workers, Emcee uses variable thread count now to speed up deployment process.

  • Emcee specifies TMPDIR environment variable when it launches fbxctest process now so fbxctest shouldn't put litter into /tmp/ shared folder anymore.

  • Emcee evicts elements from its file cache if they weren't used for more than 1 hour. Previously the TTL was set to 6 hours.


  • Test arg file entries are expected to have simulatorSettings and testTimeoutConfiguration fields present. Previously these fields were part of queue server run configuration. By moving these values into test arg file it is now possible to specify them on per-test basis.


  • Emcee will try to clean up dead simulator cache before executing tests by deleting simulator_folder/data/Library/Caches/ folder.


  • Emcee changed a way how it creates its simulators. It still creates a private folder with private simulators, but when Emcee attempts to execute test, it will create a symbolic link to the private simulator, and pass it to fbxctest.

  • Prebuilt fbxctest and fbsimctl have been updated to support Xcode 11.2, you may find their URLs in README file.

  • Recently some work has been done in order to support xcodebuild test execution. It is worth mentioning that only fbxctest and fbsimctl are still fully supported; xcrun simctl and xcodebuild are not fully supported yet.


  • SimulatorInfo type has been deleted. Use Simulator model from SimulatorPool.


  • dump command now expects --test-arg-file argument to be provided. It iterates over its entry objects and performs runtime dump for each buildArtifacts.xcTestBundle. It then merges the result and writes it out into the given value of --output argument. Thus, the resulting JSON now contains an array of results instead of a single result.

  • --app, --fbxctest, --fbsimctl, --test-destinations, --xctest-bundle arguments have been removed from dump command. Pass these values via test arg file.

  • Runtime dump now uses environment from test arg file. It does not pass Emcee process environment into test bundle anymore when performing runtime dump.

  • Use can control how many times runtime dump operation can be retried by specifying numberOfRetries for test entry. Previously Emcee had 5 hardcoded retries, and now this value must be set via test arg file.

  • --fbxctest and --fbsimctl arguments have been removed from runTestsOnRemoteQueue command. It now uses test arg file entries to obtain simulator control tool and test runner tool.



  • environment and testType fiels are required to be present in test arg file.

      "environment": {"ENV1": "VAL1", ...},
      "testType": "uiTest",  # supported values are "appTest", "logicTest", "uiTest"
  • Test arg file JSON entries is now expected to have toolResources field. This field describes the tools used to perform testing. This is an object with testRunnerTool and simulatorControlTool. Example:

    "toolResources": {
        "testRunnerTool": {"toolType": "fbxctest", "fbxctestLocation": ""},
        "simulatorControlTool": {"toolType": "fbsimctl", "location": ""}



  • During the last refactorings a bug appeared: Emcee would create simulators inside the same folder. This has now been fixed.



  • auxiliaryResources.toolResources field format of queue server run configuration file has changed. Previously, you would pass a single string as a value to testRunnerTool field and it would resolve to fbxctest runner tool. Now this field is expected to be an object with toolType (must be either fbxctest or xcodebuild, the latter is not supported yet) field and optional fbxctestLocation filed (must be URL of fbxctest) in case if you are using fbxctest to run tests. To adopt and keep using fbxctest as test runner tool you can pass this object in your queue server run configuration file: {"testRunnerTool": {"toolType": "fbxctest", "fbxctestLocation": "your URL"}}



  • Fixed a bug when Emcee would fail to start with error errno 2 if default cache folder at ~/Library/Caches/ru.avito.Runner.cache does not exist.



  • Fixed a bug when worker does not drop already processed buckets. This would make logs vary large and unreadable.



  • Test arg file is now expected to have priority and testDestinationConfigurations top level fields. This substitues now removed --priority and --test-destinations arguments from runTestsOnRemoteQueue command. Emcee will now use correct test destination for a corresponding test arg file entry when performing a runtime dump instead of using a first test destination from the --test-destination file.



  • Emcee now reports some errors occurred when attempting to run fbxctest tool as test failure in opposite to failing with a critical error. This applies to misconfiguration, e.g. if you do not pass a location of app bundle when attempting to run UI or application test.

  • Fixed a bug when after processing runtime dump, Emcee would schedule a redundant amount of tests to the queue.



  • Previously, runtime dump would group all entries by their build artifacts and then perform dump in order to validate the provided tests to run. This logic has been removed. Now runtime dump performs a single dump for each test arg file entry. Pass a list of tests into testsToRun field to reduce number of runtime dumps.

  • scheduleStrategy root field has been moved from test arg file JSON to each test arg file entry. This allows you to specify schedule strategy on per-test-arg-file-entry basis.

  • Now Emcee respects toolchain configuration when performing a runtime dump for each test arg file entry. Previously, it would perform runtime dump using current developer dir provided by xcode-select.



  • Updated README file to refer new builds of idb fork. Now they work correctly with Xcode 11 GM 2.

  • Fixed a bug when workers would start and exit immediately without connecting to a queue server.

  • Emcee now dynamically schedules jobs after runtime dump finishes. It helps to speed up the test run. For example, if you run multiple test bundles, Emcee will now schedule tests from each bundle one by one after performing a runtime dump for each test bundle in opposite to scheduling all tests from all test bundles in one go. By the moment when the last set of tests from the last test bundle will be scheduled to the queue, test results for the first test bundle likely will be available.



  • New Graphite metric queue.worker.status.<worker_name>.[alive|blocked|notRegistered|silent] allows you to track the statuses of your workers.


  • Updated the way how workers report test results back to the queue. Report request hardcoded timeout of 10 seconds has been removed. Workers now rely on the NSURLTask API default timeouts. This allows the queue to process network request for as long as it would need. This also fixes an issue when worker decides that such request has timed out, it will re-attempt to report test results again, making the queue block the worker.



  • When you attempt to run tests using runTestsOnRemoteQueue command, and if shared queue is not running yet, previously Emcee would start the queue on a remote machine and then will deploy and start workers for that queue from inside runTestsOnRemoteQueue command. Now the behaviour has changed: once started, the queue will deploy and start workers for itself independently from runTestsOnRemoteQueue command.

  • Emcee now applies a shared lock to a whole file cache (~/Library/Caches) when it unzips downloaded files. Previously multiple Emcee processes may run a race for the same zip file.


  • Removed --analytics-configuration and --worker-destinations-location arguments from runTestsOnRemoteQueue command. Now you have to pass them via --queue-server-configuration-location JSON file. Corresponding QueueServerRunConfiguration Swift model has been updated to include new workerDeploymentDestinations field, and analyticsConfiguration field has been around for a while.