Custom application which copies a file from an SFTP server to S3 bucket
Clone this repository
$ git clone {url}
or download directly from GitHub.
Change into the application directory
Download node and npm and use the install
command to read the dependencies JSON file
$ npm install
Copy example_config.yml to prod_config.yml . Open prod_config.yml and edit to include:
- sftp server
- bucket
- file
- Create a rsa Key to use on the SFTP server
ssh-keygen -t rsa
- Upload the public key to the SFTP server
- If you're using OCLC's SFTP server
scp /home/{localusername}/.ssh/ {userid}
- Install AWS Commandline tools
- I reccomend using pip.
- Create an AWS user in IAM console. Give it appropriate permissions. Copy the key and secret for this user to use in the CLI.
- Configure the commandline tools -
- Make sure you add -- key/secret -- region
Create a KMS key
Encrypt the config file
$ aws kms encrypt --key-id {key-id} --plaintext fileb://prod_config.yml --output text --query CiphertextBlob --output text | base64 -D > prod_config_encrypted.txt
- Encrypt the rsa key file
$ aws kms encrypt --key-id {key-id} --plaintext fileb:///path/to/rsa_id --output text --query CiphertextBlob --output text | base64 -D > rsa_id_encrypted
- Use the AWS Console to create a bucket with same name as in the config file
- Use serverless to test locally
serverless invoke local --function getFilesViaSFTP --path scheduled_event.json
##Installing in AWS Lambda
- Download and setup the application, see Installing locally
- Edit serverless.yml so it include your key ARN
name: schedule-example
awsKmsKeyArn: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:XXXXXX:key/some-hash
- Setup the schedule. Edit the serverless.yml file and add a configuration with a crontab expression. Example below runs at 00:30 every day.
handler: index.handler
rate: cron(30 00 * * ? *)
- Deploy the code using serverless
$ serverless deploy
- Make sure the role for the Lambda has the right permissions
- KMS decrypt
- S3 write