Programs, library functions, tools working on top of deepset-ai's FARM
My own code for using the FARM library, opinionated, some parts may be out of date.
Contains modified modules from the FARM package to make some of the things I needed work.
License of this code is the same as for the FARM software.
NOTE: make sure to either run the
code or perform the following steps as close as possible
to get repeatable results!
- create environment, tested with python 3.8
- activate environment
- Instead of directly installing FARM we need to slightly modify the installation process by changing the
requirements file. This is done like this:
- from within the farm-tools root dir, clone the FARM repo:
git clone
- copy our modified farm-requirements.txt into FARM/requirements.txt :
cp farm-requirements.txt FARM/requirements.txt
- do a development install directly from the cloned repo:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
cd ..
- from within the farm-tools root dir, clone the FARM repo:
- if necessary because the wrong version of pytorch got installed for your system, uninstall pytorch installed as part of FARM and reinstall the version that you / that fits your configuration
- Install the additional dependencies needed for farm-tools:
pip install -r farm-tool-requirements.txt
- Install the farm-tool package:
pip install -e .
- if this is done the commands can be executed as e.g.
instead of$PATH_TO_FARMTOOLS/farm_tools/
- Install the jupyter kernel:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=farm-tools
All commands provide usage information with the parameter --help
usage: farm-estimate [-h] --runname RUNNAME --infile INFILE [--cfg CFG] [--seed SEED] [--n_gpu N_GPU] [--use_cuda USE_CUDA] [--use_amp USE_AMP]
[--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE] [--text_column TEXT_COLUMN] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--max_seq MAX_SEQ]
[--deterministic DETERMINISTIC] [-d] [--label_column LABEL_COLUMN] [--dev_splt DEV_SPLT] [--grad_acc GRAD_ACC] [--lm_dir LM_DIR]
[--lm_name LM_NAME] [--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY] [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--lrate LRATE]
[--es_patience ES_PATIENCE] [--es_metric ES_METRIC] [--es_mode ES_MODE] [--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS] [--es_hd ES_HD]
[--labels LABELS] [--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION] [--fts FTS] [--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]] [--fos FOS]
[--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]] [--hd_dim HD_DIM] [--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]] [--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]]
[--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]] [--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]] [--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]]
[--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA] [--eval_method EVAL_METHOD] [--xval_folds XVAL_FOLDS] [--holdout_repeats HOLDOUT_REPEATS]
[--holdout_train HOLDOUT_TRAIN] [--eval_stratification EVAL_STRATIFICATION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--runname RUNNAME Experiment name. Files are stored in directory {runname}-{datetime}
--infile INFILE Path to input file
--cfg CFG Path to configuration file
--seed SEED Random seed (42)
--n_gpu N_GPU Number of GPUs, if GPU is to be used (1
--use_cuda USE_CUDA If GPUs should be used, if not specified, determined from setup
--use_amp USE_AMP Use AMP (False
--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE
Lower case tokens (False)
--text_column TEXT_COLUMN
Name of in/out text column (text)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (32)
--max_seq MAX_SEQ Maximum sequence length (whatever the trainer used)
--deterministic DETERMINISTIC
Use deterministic (slower) code (False)
-d Enable debug mode
--label_column LABEL_COLUMN
Name of label column (target)
--dev_splt DEV_SPLT Development set proportion (0.1)
--grad_acc GRAD_ACC Gradient accumulation steps (1)
--lm_dir LM_DIR Load LM from that directory instead of default
--lm_name LM_NAME Load LM from that known named model (will download and cache model!)
--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
Evaluate every this many batches (10)
--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS
Maximum number of epochs (20)
--dropout DROPOUT Dropout rate (0.2)
--lrate LRATE Learning rate (5e-06)
--es_patience ES_PATIENCE
Early stopping patience (10)
--es_metric ES_METRIC
Early stopping metric (f1_micro)
--es_mode ES_MODE Early stopping mode (max)
--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS
Early stopping minimum evaluation steps (1)
--es_hd ES_HD Early stopping head number to use (0)
--labels LABELS Comma separated list of labels, if missing, assume '0' and '1'
--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION
Use stratified dev set splits? (False)
--fts FTS FarmTasks class to use (FTSingleClassification)
--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]
FarmTasks configuration settings of the form parm=value
--fos FOS FarmOptSched class to use (FOSDefault)
--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]
Farm optimizer/scheduler configuration settings of the form parm=value
--hd_dim HD_DIM Dimension of the LM output, i.e. the head input (768)
--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]
Head 0 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]
Head 1 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA
Alpha for loss aggregation (weight of head 0, weight for head 1 is 1-alpha)
--eval_method EVAL_METHOD
Evaluation method, one of xval, holdout (xval)
--xval_folds XVAL_FOLDS
Number of folds for xval (10)
--holdout_repeats HOLDOUT_REPEATS
Number of repetitions for holdout estimation (5)
--holdout_train HOLDOUT_TRAIN
Portion used for training for holdout estimation (0.7)
--eval_stratification EVAL_STRATIFICATION
Use stratified samples for the evaluation splits? (False)
usage: farm-hsearch [-h] --runname RUNNAME --infile INFILE [--cfg CFG] [--seed SEED] [--n_gpu N_GPU] [--use_cuda USE_CUDA] [--use_amp USE_AMP]
[--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE] [--text_column TEXT_COLUMN] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--max_seq MAX_SEQ]
[--deterministic DETERMINISTIC] [-d] [--label_column LABEL_COLUMN] [--dev_splt DEV_SPLT] [--grad_acc GRAD_ACC] [--lm_dir LM_DIR]
[--lm_name LM_NAME] [--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY] [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--lrate LRATE]
[--es_patience ES_PATIENCE] [--es_metric ES_METRIC] [--es_mode ES_MODE] [--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS] [--es_hd ES_HD]
[--labels LABELS] [--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION] [--fts FTS] [--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]] [--fos FOS]
[--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]] [--hd_dim HD_DIM] [--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]] [--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]]
[--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]] [--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]] [--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]]
[--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA] [--eval_method EVAL_METHOD] [--xval_folds XVAL_FOLDS] [--holdout_repeats HOLDOUT_REPEATS]
[--holdout_train HOLDOUT_TRAIN] [--eval_stratification EVAL_STRATIFICATION] --hcfg HCFG --outpref OUTPREF [--halg HALG]
[--halg_rand_n HALG_RAND_N] [--beamsize BEAMSIZE] [--est_var EST_VAR] [--est_cmp EST_CMP]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--runname RUNNAME Experiment name. Files are stored in directory {runname}-{datetime}
--infile INFILE Path to input file
--cfg CFG Path to configuration file
--seed SEED Random seed (42)
--n_gpu N_GPU Number of GPUs, if GPU is to be used (1
--use_cuda USE_CUDA If GPUs should be used, if not specified, determined from setup
--use_amp USE_AMP Use AMP (False
--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE
Lower case tokens (False)
--text_column TEXT_COLUMN
Name of in/out text column (text)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (32)
--max_seq MAX_SEQ Maximum sequence length (whatever the trainer used)
--deterministic DETERMINISTIC
Use deterministic (slower) code (False)
-d Enable debug mode
--label_column LABEL_COLUMN
Name of label column (target)
--dev_splt DEV_SPLT Development set proportion (0.1)
--grad_acc GRAD_ACC Gradient accumulation steps (1)
--lm_dir LM_DIR Load LM from that directory instead of default
--lm_name LM_NAME Load LM from that known named model (will download and cache model!)
--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
Evaluate every this many batches (10)
--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS
Maximum number of epochs (20)
--dropout DROPOUT Dropout rate (0.2)
--lrate LRATE Learning rate (5e-06)
--es_patience ES_PATIENCE
Early stopping patience (10)
--es_metric ES_METRIC
Early stopping metric (f1_micro)
--es_mode ES_MODE Early stopping mode (max)
--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS
Early stopping minimum evaluation steps (1)
--es_hd ES_HD Early stopping head number to use (0)
--labels LABELS Comma separated list of labels, if missing, assume '0' and '1'
--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION
Use stratified dev set splits? (False)
--fts FTS FarmTasks class to use (FTSingleClassification)
--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]
FarmTasks configuration settings of the form parm=value
--fos FOS FarmOptSched class to use (FOSDefault)
--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]
Farm optimizer/scheduler configuration settings of the form parm=value
--hd_dim HD_DIM Dimension of the LM output, i.e. the head input (768)
--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]
Head 0 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]
Head 1 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA
Alpha for loss aggregation (weight of head 0, weight for head 1 is 1-alpha)
--eval_method EVAL_METHOD
Evaluation method, one of xval, holdout (xval)
--xval_folds XVAL_FOLDS
Number of folds for xval (10)
--holdout_repeats HOLDOUT_REPEATS
Number of repetitions for holdout estimation (5)
--holdout_train HOLDOUT_TRAIN
Portion used for training for holdout estimation (0.7)
--eval_stratification EVAL_STRATIFICATION
Use stratified samples for the evaluation splits? (False)
--hcfg HCFG TOML configuration file for the hyperparameter search (required)
--outpref OUTPREF Output prefix for the files written for the hsearch run
--halg HALG Search algorithm, one of grid, random, greedy, beam (grid)
--halg_rand_n HALG_RAND_N
Number of random runs for halg=random (20)
--beamsize BEAMSIZE Size of beam for halg=beam (3)
--est_var EST_VAR Estimation variable to use for sorting/searching (head0_f1_macro_mean)
--est_cmp EST_CMP Comparison to use for optimizing est_var, min or max (max)
usage: farm-train [-h] --runname RUNNAME --infile INFILE [--cfg CFG] [--seed SEED] [--n_gpu N_GPU] [--use_cuda USE_CUDA] [--use_amp USE_AMP]
[--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE] [--text_column TEXT_COLUMN] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--max_seq MAX_SEQ]
[--deterministic DETERMINISTIC] [-d] [--label_column LABEL_COLUMN] [--dev_splt DEV_SPLT] [--grad_acc GRAD_ACC] [--lm_dir LM_DIR]
[--lm_name LM_NAME] [--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY] [--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--lrate LRATE]
[--es_patience ES_PATIENCE] [--es_metric ES_METRIC] [--es_mode ES_MODE] [--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS] [--es_hd ES_HD]
[--labels LABELS] [--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION] [--fts FTS] [--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]] [--fos FOS]
[--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]] [--hd_dim HD_DIM] [--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]] [--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]]
[--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]] [--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]] [--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]]
[--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--runname RUNNAME Experiment name. Files are stored in directory {runname}-{datetime}
--infile INFILE Path to input file
--cfg CFG Path to configuration file
--seed SEED Random seed (42)
--n_gpu N_GPU Number of GPUs, if GPU is to be used (1
--use_cuda USE_CUDA If GPUs should be used, if not specified, determined from setup
--use_amp USE_AMP Use AMP (False
--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE
Lower case tokens (False)
--text_column TEXT_COLUMN
Name of in/out text column (text)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (32)
--max_seq MAX_SEQ Maximum sequence length (whatever the trainer used)
--deterministic DETERMINISTIC
Use deterministic (slower) code (False)
-d Enable debug mode
--label_column LABEL_COLUMN
Name of label column (target)
--dev_splt DEV_SPLT Development set proportion (0.1)
--grad_acc GRAD_ACC Gradient accumulation steps (1)
--lm_dir LM_DIR Load LM from that directory instead of default
--lm_name LM_NAME Load LM from that known named model (will download and cache model!)
--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
Evaluate every this many batches (10)
--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS
Maximum number of epochs (20)
--dropout DROPOUT Dropout rate (0.2)
--lrate LRATE Learning rate (5e-06)
--es_patience ES_PATIENCE
Early stopping patience (10)
--es_metric ES_METRIC
Early stopping metric (f1_micro)
--es_mode ES_MODE Early stopping mode (max)
--es_min_evals ES_MIN_EVALS
Early stopping minimum evaluation steps (1)
--es_hd ES_HD Early stopping head number to use (0)
--labels LABELS Comma separated list of labels, if missing, assume '0' and '1'
--dev_stratification DEV_STRATIFICATION
Use stratified dev set splits? (False)
--fts FTS FarmTasks class to use (FTSingleClassification)
--fts_cfg [FTS_CFG [FTS_CFG ...]]
FarmTasks configuration settings of the form parm=value
--fos FOS FarmOptSched class to use (FOSDefault)
--fos_cfg [FOS_CFG [FOS_CFG ...]]
Farm optimizer/scheduler configuration settings of the form parm=value
--hd_dim HD_DIM Dimension of the LM output, i.e. the head input (768)
--hd0_cfg [HD0_CFG [HD0_CFG ...]]
Head 0 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd1_cfg [HD1_CFG [HD1_CFG ...]]
Head 1 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd2_cfg [HD2_CFG [HD2_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd3_cfg [HD3_CFG [HD3_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--hd4_cfg [HD4_CFG [HD4_CFG ...]]
Head 2 config parameters of the form parm=value
--losses_alpha LOSSES_ALPHA
Alpha for loss aggregation (weight of head 0, weight for head 1 is 1-alpha)
usage: farm-apply [-h] --infile INFILE [--cfg CFG] [--seed SEED] [--n_gpu N_GPU] [--use_cuda USE_CUDA] [--use_amp USE_AMP]
[--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE] [--text_column TEXT_COLUMN] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--max_seq MAX_SEQ]
[--deterministic DETERMINISTIC] [-d] --outfile OUTFILE --modeldir MODELDIR [--label_column LABEL_COLUMN]
[--prob_column PROB_COLUMN] [--num_processes NUM_PROCESSES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--infile INFILE Path to input file
--cfg CFG Path to configuration file
--seed SEED Random seed (42)
--n_gpu N_GPU Number of GPUs, if GPU is to be used (1
--use_cuda USE_CUDA If GPUs should be used, if not specified, determined from setup
--use_amp USE_AMP Use AMP (False
--do_lower_case DO_LOWER_CASE
Lower case tokens (False)
--text_column TEXT_COLUMN
Name of in/out text column (text)
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size (32)
--max_seq MAX_SEQ Maximum sequence length (whatever the trainer used)
--deterministic DETERMINISTIC
Use deterministic (slower) code (False)
-d Enable debug mode
--outfile OUTFILE Path to output TSV file
--modeldir MODELDIR Path to directory where the model is stored
--label_column LABEL_COLUMN
Name of added label column (prediction)
--prob_column PROB_COLUMN
Name of added probability column (prob)
--num_processes NUM_PROCESSES
Number of processes to use (1)