This package contains functions for extracting characterization, estimation and prediction results from the OHDSI result database (see
It also contains codes to create useful plots, presentations templates and report templates.
Download this repository and using RStudio, install the packgage. Then you can make use of the report generator by running:
# Install OhdsiReportGenerator using remotes
# Load the library to start using it
# to run the report generator with a demo set of results
dbms = "<dbms e.g., postgresql>",
server = '<add database server with study results>',
user = '<add username for account with read access to server>',
password = '<add password for account with read access to server>',
resultsSchema = "<result schema name>",
targetId = 1082,
outcomeId = 11123,
comparatorId = 5373,
covariateIds = c(
friendlyNames = list(
targetName = 'Drug of interest',
comparatorName = 'Comparator drug',
indicationName = 'Indication A',
outcomeName = 'Outcome B'
title = 'Study investigating outcome B in new users of drug of interest',
lead = 'Lead Investigator Name Here',
date = Sys.Date(),
backgroundText = '', # Add any background information about the project here
outputLocation = file.path(getwd(), "extras/reportTest"),
outputName = paste0('presentation_', gsub(':', '_',gsub(' ','_',as.character(date()))),'.html')
OhdsiReportGenerator is an R package.
Running the package requires R.
ReportGenerator is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
ReportGenerator is being developed in R Studio.
Under development