- CBOP stands for Centalna Baza Ofert Pracy which is a database of job vacancies submitted to Public Employment Offices.
- CBOP can be accessed from official API which allows to download adds in JSON format. Details can be found here.
- description of the columns can be found here and here
- data contains 174 variables on:
- Working and pay conditions - Description of the requirements necessary for the job (55-64) - Description of desirable requirements to perform the job. (65-74) - Requirements to perform the job (75-84)
- Employer data
- Other data
- this repository contains codes to read JSON files from the API
- structure:
-- main file to read the CBOP data infunctions.R
-- file with the function to read the data incbop-api-download.py
-- Python code to obtain data from the CBOP APIcbop-zip-files.sh
-- some bash processing (not for reading)
-- description of the data
Research funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) under The Bekker NAWA Programme, grant number BPN/BEK/2023/1/00099/U/00001 (visit at University of Manchester between 01.06 and 31.08.2024).