- 1. Constraints, subsetting: unified syntax
- 2. constraints, subsetting and maps
- 3. response information
- 4. using the url query string key=value notation
- 5. sequences with structures and the resulting CEs
- 6. basic testing support
- 7. FQNs in a DMR/Data response
- 8. augment the vol1 spec with details about CE effects on a DMR
- 9. sequence serialization: how to serialize a zero-length sequence
- 10. IEEE 754 for real numbers
- 11. how big are arrays? 64 bits? 63 bits? 61 bits? signed? unsigned?
- 12. About the end chunk in a chunked response
- 13. where we encode the byte order for a DAP4 Data response
- 14. Order of stuff in the DMR
- 15. limitations on the DMR Dim element
- 16. names
This document contains a collection of emails between the collaborators/developers going back to July 2013, regarding DAP4 and it’s implementation. These all concern links:#Data_Model[Volume 1].
Dennis and I decided on this syntax for CEs that encompasses simple projections and array slicing, including when the arrays use shared dims. No grammar, just examples of what’s allowed and explanations of what the examples mean.
CEs for DAP4
CE Syntax
<dataset name=t1>
<dimension name=d size=20/>
<byte name=b>
<dim size=10/>
<byte name=c>
<dim name=d/>
<structure name=s>
<byte name=d>
<dim name=d/>
<byte name=e>
<dim name=d/>
<dim size=5/>
<byte name=f>
<dim name=d/>
Some CEs:
Return just b -
Return both b and c -
so that only elements 1 through 4 are returned. Sinceb
does not use a shared dim the special properties of shared dims (sdims) don’t matter. Although in this case it doesn’t matter -
Return all ofc
but because a local slicing operation was performed,c
is returned with dim 1 as an anonymous dim, not the sdim ‘d’ -
Slice the sdim ‘d’ using[2:5]
. For the variablec
, apply that slice and return the result. In this casec
will be shown with thesdmi
‘d’ but thatsdim
will be of size4
. Thus the [] means two different things for an array with shared dims. Either return the whole dim as if a local slice was made or since that sdim was sliced (previously in the CE), use that slice. We use an explicit thing to cover the case where an array has both sdims and anonymous dims. -
Apply the sdim slice to the array ‘d’. Since arrays and dims can have the same name, we use an = to mean this is a sdim and I’m slicing it in the CE. This is not a great example of that since the var and sdim have different FQNs, but it’s possible for them to have the same FQN, hence the = -
Similarly, apply the slice to the first dim (using the sdim slice) and get all of the second dime -
Use the sdim slice and apply a slice to the second (anonymous) dim. really this is the same case as above, but with different values for the second dim’s slice operator -
Return e with two anonymous dims; based on the original sizes. That is, even though the first dim in the DMR uses the sdim ‘d’, since we’re using the local slicing operator, we take the 1:4 slice from the 20-element dimension. The only time a sdim slice applies is when an array is declared as using it in the DMR and [] appears for that dim in the CE. -
Slicing apples recursively -
Same result as the previous CE -
This slicing op applies to ‘s’ (which makes no sense with the example dataset; image it does make sense ;-)
CDMR: Will be a subset of the DMR. It may reference shared dims but will not create any dims
seq\{i,j,k} | j < 10
This filter, shown with a Sequence seq (not int he example DMR) is applied to everything in the clause. CEs are made up of clauses separated by ; marks.
Bob Simons sent this:
I liked your talk about OPeNDAP yesterday at ESIP. I especially liked
your phrases “select by index”, “select by coordinate”, “select by
value”. They are useful phrases.
I understand and like “select by index”. But since it is also useful to select by coordinate value, it would be great if OPeNDAP 4 would support the optional syntax “(value)” in projection constraints, where the value is converted to the nearest index. For example, variable[(startValue):stride:(stopValue)] would be converted by the server to variable[startIndex:stride:stopIndex] This would allow users to specify requests
For time variables (with units of “someTimeUnit since someTime”), it would be great if the startValue or stopValue could be expressed in whatever the dimensions units are (e.g., in “minutes since 1980-01-01”) or as an ISO 8601:2004 “extended”) time (e.g., 1985-12-31T23:59:59Z).
This also solves problems with datasets that just offer the latest e.g., 30 days of data. Currently, if a user requests the time values, finds the index for a current date, and requests the data with that time index, the dataset may have changed so that the requested index no longer has the value the user expects.
Is there any chance that the OPeNDAP 4 specification could include the () notation in projection constraints?
Thanks for considering this.
And we had a long thread about it:
Dan- I think what might work is the use of functions inside of
projections. e.g. velocity[f(start):stride:f(end)] where f converts
something in say, time or lat or lon to an index. - Dennis
Daniel Holloway wrote: Dennis, James, There are several proposals within the wiki that seem applicable to this problem, what about is it about this particular problem/solution that breaks the ideas put forth in the ‘filter constraints’ proposal that could not be addressed (potentially) by extending that idea somewhat? Similarly in the ‘constraint expressions’ proposal, and somewhat less though related in the ‘subset arrays and grids by value’, granted the problem as stated is more grid projection using selection by value on the map vectors. Dan On Jul 16, 2013, at 9:47 PM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote: I must confess to be intrigued/baffled at Bob’s mixing of time endpoints and index strides. As for using “nearest” even that requires a specification of rounding.
In any case, and to be somewhat cliched, this seems like a job for a server side function.
p.s. coordinate variables are associated with other variables using the <Map>…</Map> construct.
Dave Fulker wrote: On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:44 AM, John Caron <caron@unidata.ucar.edu> wrote: ok, i understand your concern a bit better. you are considering the general case where coordinate values are all over the place. but if they are monotonic, then the user makes a range request in coordinate space and the server translates this quite easily into a range request in index space.
im pretty sure this is what bob is proposing. By my reading, Bob’s request does not include coordinate values in the stride; he asks for coordinate-to-index translation only at the interval endpoints and expects only the nearest values there, so interpolation is never required. If we want to support coordinate values in the stride argument, some notion of “nearest” might be plausible (as Dennis hints), but I suspect Bob omitted this deliberately. It’s not even clear to me that monotonicity is a requirement; without it, users could separate apples from oranges without knowing their indices. ;-) I personally think Bob’s notation could be accommodated directly in DAP4 without violating our KISS commitment if we restrict it to 1-D maps. Use with N-D maps strikes me as complicated, and I think it leads to questions of the sort Nathan raises, so I would not try to bite off that one (within DAP4). Also, I’m less inclined toward including Bob’s time-translation request because it involves interpreting the “units” attribute. For me that smacks of extension along the lines Ethan suggests. Stated another way, I can see the ( ) to [ ] translation as truly domain independent, but notions of time seem less so. Finally, could someone remind me: are coordinate maps a formal data type in DAP4, or are they established via naming conventions? Thanks, Dave On 7/16/2013 9:31 AM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
Thinking about Nathan’s last comment leads me to dissect this issue a bit more.
Suppose we have the following schema using time as in Bob’s original request. The lat/lon issue is similar except in 2 dimensions.
dimensions: time=… variables:
float velocity(time); float time(time);
If we want to get the time of velocity(i), then we can compute time(i).
The inverse of this is to ask for the velocity at time 1/1/13, for example.
If I understand Bob’s suggestion, he is saying one should be able to ask for velocity(1/1/13) and get the velocity at that time. Or similarly, ask for the range of velocities(1/1/13:1hr:1/2/13).
The problem comes in figuring out to choose which integer indices of the time dimension are be included in the set given that it may be the case that none of the values 1/1/13,1/1/13+2hr,…1/2/13 are actually in the time(time) variable. This means we need to define an algorithm to decide which indices are in the set and which are out. Finding the initial starting index requires searching time(time) to find, say, the first i such that time(i) >= 1/1/13. For each additional point, we need to either search for another “closest” point or interpolate between two adjacent velocity values based on some pair of covering points in the time(time) variable.
As Nathan points out, we can approximate the above by allowing domain based query. So we might say \{velocity(x,y)|time(x) >= 1/1/13 && time(x) ⇐ 1/2/13} This has at least the advantage of being well defined and domain independent (more or less). When we met in Boulder, some of our discussions addressed this kind of query, but no resolution. It is fair to say, however, that it is still on our agenda.
Daniel Holloway wrote:
On Jul 16, 2013, at 12:42 AM, Nathan Potter wrote:
Isn’t it reasonable to factor out the lat/long coordinate issue? Can we not consider the two cases: a) Subsetting range values of array or Grid by value - if a particular value that exists in the Array/Grid fulfills the selection constraint then it is included in the response.
b) Subsetting by Domain value - this I think is what Dennis is referring to - where the constrained specifies which values in the domain are acceptable. For the map upon which the constraint is applied has a value at a particular index i, then all of the requested variables that utilize that map should have their i’th value included in the result.
While I can see how 'b' might be viewed as a special constraint case
for ‘grids’ at some point it becomes a similar problem to constraining any array by value, that is what are the potential changes to the response type, if any, (.e.g., sparse array, mask, …).
What is actually returned in both cases is the thing I think we would have to work out (a sparse array? a mask?)
I don’t see how interpolation/search comes into it. So maybe Dennis you could elaborate on your concerns - I’m not following you.
First, assuming his intent is simply to select array indices of
the dependent variable based on ‘selection by value’ on the independent, or coordinate, variables using only the values in the coordinate variables themselves, that is, (.e.g., not supporting iso8601 time-values in the constraints and expecting conversion to seconds-since-1970). Then minimally there’s the issue at the boundaries for any particular extent, or when discrete values are requested when the domain variable (in OGC parlance) is a coverage and not a point. So, regardless of geo or any specific domain there will be some extent of interpolation and/or search, and how that is communicated in the response. Also, in DAP-4 we’re extending grid map-vectors to be n-dimensional, though typically size 1 or 2 is my guess, so the resulting shape for constrained variables will become quite important to the end-user client. - Dan
Thanks, Nathan
On Jul 15, 2013, at 6:27 PM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
Remember that what was being proposed is to map from the specification of a geo lat/long range to a set of integer indices. The inverse is not a problem (IMO). Going from lat/long to indices requires, I think, algorithms to deal with interpolation and search. I do not think, personally, that there is likely to be any agreement about which algorithms to use.
Nathan Potter wrote:
I think it’s not a coordinates question but a select/subset by value question. If we limit our view of the problem to just subsetting arrays, Grids, and Sequences then I think if we solve the resulting data model issues (sparse arrays? masks? etc.) then we might have something really useful. And I don’t think it adds a huge burden of thought or work. Unless of course I am mistaken and the possible result space turns out to be awful to represent. Nathan On Jul 15, 2013, at 4:38 PM, John Caron wrote:
Im not so sure, it might be very low hanging fruit. Note that it doesnt require georeferencing or feature types, just coordinates (maps). On the grid data type, i think all the semantics are already there. OTOH, it would require some clarifications.
On 7/15/2013 4:00 PM, Ethan Davis wrote:
I agree with Dennis on this one.
While Bob’s proposal is very simple and elegant in its request encoding, it assumes things outside of the core DAP4 data model. So, to my mind it doesn’t belong in the core specification.
It might make a good extension. But it would need to be fleshed out. It would need a few extensions to the DMR. For example, a way to indicate when it can be used (which datasets, which arrays, which dimensions). And, as Dennis mentions, the same for the interpolation algorithm.
On 7/15/2013 1:12 PM, Dennis Heimbigner wrote:
For what its worth, my philosphy here is that DAP4 is intended to be the lowest level representation for data. Any additional semantics such as geographical coordinates and more generally feature types should be implemented on top of DAP4. The relatively simple semantics of DAP4 should not be made more complicated by embedding feature types. For example, embedding geographical coordinates requires defining the interpolation algorithm as part of the standard. If some other algorithm is desired, then how is that to be supported?
Dave Fulker wrote:
Here’s Bob Simons’ reply to my request for his ESIP slides. I think that the perspective he presents (note, e.g., the slide that he titled “Don’t Treat In-Situ/Tabular Data Like Gridded Data”) should inform our thinking as we finalize DAP4. – Dave
We started down this path, then left it hanging, I think: http://docs.opendap.org/index.php/DAP4:_Inclusion_of_response_metadata_in_the_DMR
Gallagher James wrote: Dennis, I’m thinking about, but have not really
worked thorough, the idea that DAP4 will separate server functions from
the Constraint Expression by passing those two things into the servers
using different key names in the query string. Something like ‘URL ?
eval = <functions> & ce = <constraint expr>’. The semantics of this
would be that the <functions> (whatever that turns out to be) are
evaluated first and then the <constraint expr> is applied to the result.
If the ‘eval=<functions>’ part of the query string is not given then
the constraint is applied to the dataset (and if the constraint is not
given the dataset is just returned in toto). Does this seem reasonable
to you?
I am not sure. My immediate reaction is to ask how the client will know
what kind of constraint to write in the presence of an ‘eval=’; that
is, what is the DMR against which the constraint is written? - Dennis
We should elaborate on what the different keys might mean. _eval_ would run a function(s) and produce a virtual dataset. The server would return the DMR, etc., for that
James Gallagher wrote: On Aug 2, 2013, at 7:04 PM, Dennis Heimbigner
wrote: Yes I did intend to allow nesting of Sequences and Structures. I
suspect that in the implementation I will come to regret it, but until
then…. My guess is that’s not so bad, but, I think we should our filters
to ‘id op constant’ (and the positional variants) and not support ‘id
op id’. Or limit the latter case based on the scope of the ids (but I’d
rather not support it at all). James
That sounds right to me; we can always extend it later if there is
sufficient reason Dennis
Gallagher James wrote: Are the Dim, Map and Enum elements’ name
attributes always FQNs? So <Dim name=“x”/> is never valid and should
always be a FQN like: <Dim name=“/x”/> ?
Dennis: That is what I put in the spec. The argument is that it is
easier for machines while still making it reasonably readable by a
It occurs to me that we need to augment our proposed constraint expression grammars with a description of what kinds of DMRs will result from our proposed constraints.
That is, given a constraint and a DMR for the unconstrained dataset, describe the DMR that corresponds to the result of applying the constraint.
To that end, I have put up a new proposal based on describing rules for constructing the DMR that results from a constraint. http://docs.opendap.org/index.php/DAP4:_Alternate_Proposal_for_a_Constraint_Expression_Syntax
Gallagher James wrote: Dennis, Looking at Sequence and thinking about CE evaluation: When there’s a nested Sequence like this:
Seq { Int32 i; Int32 j; Seq { Int32 k; Int32 l; } inner; } outer;
And a CE requests all of outer (which means inner too) such that k > 10,
what should be sent when k is not > 10? Should i and j still be sent and
an empty inner (so the count would be 0)? This would be my preference
since the alternative is very tricky to code. Is that your
Dennis: Yes, a count of zero should be allowed.
also: My recollection is that we decided to only allow filtering based
on the outermost variables (i and j in this case) and filtering based on
k would be illegal. Maybe we should revisit this decision. the best
alternative I can think of in this case is that all records in outer are
kept and all records in inner are filtered (for each record in outer).
nb: This is a big deal for nested sequences because it you were to require that zero-length child sequences suppress the serialization of their parent sequence (as was the case with DAP2) the code to handle the sequence serialization becomes very complex. We made the correct decision here to allow child sequences to be zero length
Gallagher James wrote: Dennis, When we adopted ‘reader make right’ we
mostly talked about byte order; do you handle the case where one of the
two hosts does not use IEEE754 for either 32 or 64 bit reals?
Reader makes it right was intended to apply only to byte order. We
should indeed enforce use of 754 as the only acceptable format. -Dennis
Gallagher James wrote: I’m wondering what type should be used to hold
the number of elements in an array. I can’t find where in the spec it
says how big an array can be - is it an unsigned 64bit number of
elements? Or unsigned 32 bits?
Dennis: it is a signed 64 bit integer.
Yes signed. The argument is that interpretive languages (Java, python…)
are not good at handling unsigned 64 bit numbers, so I chose to stick to
signed 64 bit integer, which is effectively a 63 bit int We need to fix
the text. Here’s what the dc says: … The total number of elements in an
Array MUST NOT exceed \$2^(64)-1\$.
In the telecon we decided that the make number of elements was \$2^(61)-1\$. We decided that the number of bytes for an array should never be more than \$2^(64)-1\$ bytes (because the size needs to be signed because Java and Python don’t grok unsigned ints) and because C code will need to malloc these and malloc won’t take more than a 64-bit int.
Dennis, I’m tweaking my code to process the chunked responses and
thinking about what the end chunk means. Does the end chunk mean that
once any data it contains has be consumed EOF has been reached? Or is it
possible to have more data chunks (or an error chunk) after an end
chunk? James
I believe the rule is that any sequence of chunks must stop at the first
end chunk or error chunk. The end chunk may or may not contain data. - Dennis
On Sep 10, 2013, at 10:06 AM, Dennis Heimbigner <dmh@unidata.ucar.edu>
wrote: I think we agreed to put the serialization byte order in the http
headers. Do you want to revisit that decision? =Dennis
Yes. There’s another part of the spec that says the response
document/body is all you need to read (of course, you need the spec too)
the document. The HTTP headers are generally lost by the time a client
gets the response body, so I think the byte order should go in the
response body somewhere. James
ok with me. One possibility is a new flag in the chunk headers. -Dennis
Gallagher James wrote: On Sep 5, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Dennis Heimbigner
wrote: I recall that we placed limits on which dimensions and maps and
enums could be referenced to be something in the same group or an
enclosing group. Given that, we could do this order: dimensions, enums,
variables, groups because the above rule would guarantee no forward
OK, lets adopt this and change the grammar to reflect it. I’ll change
the rng file and check it in. As for group attributes, currently, I
print them at the very end of the group, but this is easily changed. I
would suggest however, that they be either at the very beginning or the
very end of the group. My vote is to put them at the end. =Dennis
More info - we have adopted this as the correct order, although it
should be said that any order so long as everything is ‘defined before
use’ is acceptable:
For Atomic Variables I propose:
dimension references
For Seq/Struct I propose:
dim references
DMR Order of stuff… Personally, I think the best order is
This keeps all of the per-group stuff (enum,dim,var,attr) together and then the subgroups after that.
Gallagher James wrote: Dennis, In an array in DAP4, Can a Dim element
have both a name and a size? Is the name limited to only names of shared
Dimension elements (previously defined)? James
Limited to previously defined dimensions. You can only specify a size
within an array. - Dennis
Gallagher James wrote: Dennis, You might have guessed that my previous
question relates to looking up things (groups, variables, dimensions)
based on their FQN. Are we allowing a Group and a variable, for example,
to have the same name at the same lexical level (I hope not)? James
I have assumed that yes, two decls of different kinds can have the same
name. This is obviously true for dimensions and variables, so I assumed
it held generally. Why is this causing a problem? - Dennis