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FullStack GCELT WebApp using Nextjs 13 App Router , Typescript , Tailwind , Prisma , Mongodb , NextAuth

This is a repository for a Full Stack Website for GCELT

Key Feature

  • View Mode and User Mode Security Access
  • Implemented Theme Toggling Facility
  • Showcasing All Students using card design
  • Implement Filtering and Searching Functionality
  • Showcasing All Faculty Members using card design
  • Implement Filtering and Searching Functionality here as well
  • Role Based Access : Three Roles - Students , Teachers , Admin
  • Assign Roles to Existing users by admin
  • Have Verification of Registered User Information Facility
  • New User SignUp , Redirect to Registration Form with Necessary Details
  • Editing and updation Facility for Users who owned the Card as well as for Admins
  • Referral Program implementation to request for Role update for users during registration
  • SignUp / SignIn and Logout Facility using NextAuth , NextSessions and Mongodb
  • TODO : Launching New Role : CR and Assigning some special facility that students don't have
  • TODO : Launch new updates with Routine navigation
  • TODO : Launch new updates with Exam navigation
  • TODO : Teacher , CR and admin can Create Routine or update Routine
  • TODO : More Future Updates
  • TODO : Cooldown Time for Updating Information only for Students
  • TODO : Feedback form for Testing Phase
  • TODO :

Constraints to Our Project

  • As We Don't have Separate Admin and User Interface, we have only 1 System. So We have to Implement a single Registration / SignIn Interface
  • But we have a Role Based System , so We develop the Interface such that new user are always by default students and they can upgrade to higher roles by admin or Referral Program
  • As a Single Interface We have to implement Midleware to Restrict Access to Confidential Routes

Structure of our Project

  • dir app : Root App Folder

    • dir actions : Contains all Service Methods which Fetch data from database using Prisma
    • dir api : Contains all Service Methods which push data to database , also contains NextAuth Logic
    • dir components : Contains all Components : customUi , ui by shadcn , modals
    • dir type : contains types : users , Listings created from Collections
    • dir {routes} : routes can be (profile) , register , roles , verification
  • dir hooks: Contains all custom hooks which specially controls opening and clossing of modals

  • dir lib : utils and prisma client

  • dir Prisma : Contains Schema file

  • dir providers : All Providers which we used to wrap components Like AuthContext , ModalProvider , ToasterProvider

Routes Mapping

  • app home route : /
  • faculty route : /faculty
  • Routine route : /routine
  • Exam route : /exam
  • signIn Route: /signIn
  • Protected Routes : Security Purpose Don't want to Write in ReadMe

Access Mode Features

  • View Mode
    • Can only view verified Cards , Routine , exam
  • Student
    • Can Register for new login ,
    • can Edit their own Cards
    • In Future can Schedule their task in Routine Navigation
    • In Fututre Can Message any other existing User
    • Have a Update Limit upto 2 edits per month
  • CR
    • Special Access to create and update Routine
    • Special Access to create and update exam schedule
  • Teacher
    • can Register for new login
    • can Edit their own cards
    • can Send Push Notifications to Students
    • can Update and create routine and exam schedule
    • can verify students only
  • Admin
    • All Access except database access
  • Institution Level : Not Role
    • Maintains and have All Access

Website Screenshot


Node version 16.x

Cloning the repository

git clone

Install packages

npm i

Setup .env file

# This was inserted by `prisma init`:
# Environment variables declared in this file are automatically made available to Prisma.
# See the documentation for more detail:

# Prisma supports the native connection string format for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
# See the documentation for all the connection string options:


Connect to Azure SQL Database and Push Prisma

npx prisma generate
npx prisma db push

Initial ReadMe Commit By Nextjs 13

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.

Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Start the app

npm run dev

Available commands

Running commands with npm npm run [command]

command description
dev Starts a development instance of the app