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ORMAP Tools project will help you transition to managing Oregon county parcel data using Parcel Fabric with ArcGIS Pro and (optionally) ArcGIS Enteprise. It provides a framework to interoperate easily with Oregon Department of Revenue and with other counties.
Land Records Modernization & ORMAP Training Strategy -- Basically an overview of this entire project, all on one page.
All the ORMap Tools repositories are in this Github repository including both potential future projects and legacy work done 5+ years ago for ArcMap.
9/28/2022-- Here are the notes from the Big Tools Meeting
and the recording of the meeting on YouTube.
Please fill out this Conversion Status survey
to let us know the status for your county.
This will also give us an updated contact list.
Esri learning guide "Recommended Esri Training for Oregon Land Records Modernization" August 2021
This includes information on instructor-led courses and E-learning tutorials and videos.
Esri ArcGIS Pro doc: Workflow: Prepare and publish parcel fabric
These videos are available on Youtube in the ORMAP Tools channel.
- ORMAP Tools Overview -- Tutorial series with narration
- Basic Introduction -- Short videos to show how to use each ORMAP tool
Esri video: Parcel Fabric: Migrating and administrating parcels with ArcGIS Pro
(48 minute mark of this video shows how to publish a parcel fabric.)
These tools are designed and tested with ArcGIS Pro 2.9.4. They might still work with ArcGIS Pro 2.8.x but we're not actively testing there. Everything is intended to work with Parcel Fabric, either in a FileGeodatabase or Enterprise. If you are using Enterprise make sure it's the version that matches the version of ArcGIS Pro you are using; Pro 2.9 requires Enterprise 10.9 and Pro 2.8 requires Enterprise 10.8.
(At this time, ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2 is available. It requires Enterprise 11. We're not ready to go there yet.) version 3.0, 09/12/2022
The ORMAP Parcel Fabric Template specifies the format the ORMAP team
has developed, in the form of an Esri File Geodatabase. Within the ZIP file, the
"Documents" folder contains a collection of notes on the design and implementation. 3.0.1 9/28/2022
T7-4 Pilot Data: The Polk T7-4 sample data complete with operational data, and all rules and tools. This is a test data set, so that you can try out parcel fabric and the ORMap tools. 3.0.1, 09/28/2022
ArcGIS Pro toolbox: This zip file is for those who just want the tools. 3.0.1, 9/28/2022
Exported rules from T7-4 sample folder for those how just want the rules.
These are set up as ArcGIS Pro "addins". 06/04/2022 -- Annotation Tasks
ORMAPArrowTools-20220110-0930.esriAddinX 01/10/2022 -- Cartographic Arrow Tools
ORMAPCancelledNumbers.esriAddinX -- Cancelled Numbers Manager
All the source code is available via Github in the ORMAP-Tools repositories. Each repository has additional documentation. In theory the github versions could be newer than the downloadable zip files, but in practice, we currently upload to github just before doing a new release.
Toolbox, including Python code (no special build operations required)
Addins, written in C#. You need Visual Studio to build new versions. (The free Community version works.)
9/29/2022 11:15AM